Greetings World in Crisis!

There is Good N.E.W.S. of Great Joy and H.O.P.E. for the present world in economic turmoil, unemployment, poverty, shanty towns, all forms of crime, corruption, abuse and wars.

Point your family and acquaintances to the website if you desire a better future for all.

The S of the N.E.W.S. points of the HOPE Compass stands for SOWING HOPE (expectancy) and taking the first steps in SETTING FREE  the captives. The “Sowing” and the first steps in “Setting Free” is achieved through the HOPE PROJECT: The POWER 2 SET FREE website.   The Power 2 Set Free website was designed to FACILITATE INTERACTION  amongst family, friends, management and staff covering the seven areas our Whole Life Wheels. Balancing our Life Wheels is essential for any person to become a Dream Team Member and for any team to become a Dream Team.