We urgently need to EXCHANGE our I’S & T’S on how to change the present culture of celebrating Christmas. And then to implement it!

Lorraine and I had a wonderful 14 days of celebrating Christmas with all our 6 children and 8 grandchildren. In total we had 16 mouths to feed, 16 sets of expectations to manage and to ensure that everyone is safe (sea, rocks and pool). There is nothing worse than a disappointed expectation! What a privilege and what a blessing it was! What a task!

With 8 grandchildren Lorraine and I tried our best to keep the focus on the Greatest Present ever given in the universe (the Light, the Life, the Love, the Peace, the Joy for each child and adult. The Greatest Gift that came from our Father in Heaven, burst into this dark and broken world and eventually ‘landed’ in Bethlehem in the manger of a stable belonging to an Innkeeper 2013 years ago. What humble hospitality was offered to the King of kings!
With all the worldly presents wrapped in beautiful gift paper under the Christmas tree and the feasts on the tables Lorraine and I realised more than ever before that we need to exchange ideas, information, and inspirations with you fellow followers of Jesus on how we can change the present culture of celebrating Christmas for the better:

1. How can we and our descendants correctly celebrate the birth on planet earth of Jesus Christ the King of kings and The Lord of lords?

2. How can we best put the focus on the gifts that we actually need to bring to Him when celebrating His planet earth birthday?


In Ed Young’s Christmas Message he shared a story of his  grandson which I believe can point us into the right direction on one way how to change the present culture of celebrating Christmas.

At the age of 6 years his grandson was asked by a ‘churched’ lady:

“What do you want for Christmas?”

The 6 year old boy answered:

1. It is not the right question. Christmas is not my birthday, it is Jesus’s birthday. 

2. The right question should be: 

    What present does Jesus want from me for His birthday?

3. The right answer to the above question is: 

    He wants me.

We should thus also be asking King Jesus: “Besides me what do You also want from me for Your birthday on Christmas Day?  Which gifts (my time, my talents, my treasures) would You like to use in 2014 for You? What about writing a  list of our gifts in a Birthday Card for Jesus and putting the cards on or under the Christmas Tree which can be read out on Christmas Day?


The challenge we all face on Christmas Day and everyday in 2014 is = Will we give ourselves (i.e our minds, our hearts, our hands, our feet and our time, talents, treasures which we received from God in the first place) to Jesus Who is also God’s gift for every person across all cultural, religious and class barriers ? He was given to us by the Father. He sent and gave us the Holy Spirit to help us give ourselves to Him and the Father and to others.

 Please be like one of the wise men (male or female) and come with any suggestions you may have innovative presents for King Jesus and how to change the culture of celebrating Christmas in a more fun and constructive way.

 Wishing you all a blessed ‘receiving and giving’ 2014: receiving (from God) and giving (to God) by giving to one another and by receiving from one another.

Please remember that the “Life blood of relationships” is the giving and receiving between the two parties in any relationship.

 God bless

Matthys & Lorraine