Why did God create the first property (the planet)?

Do you agree with the following?:

1. God wanted a relationship with us the people (not robots) who have a free choice to reject or accept His right hand of friendship and His gifts..

2. People would need a place to live and to eat. Therefore He also created water, soil and seeds, creatures

etc to not only sustain the people but also for them to enjoy!.

3. He thus gave man (male and female) the responsibility to take care of His planet and the various projects which would not only sustain them but which they should also enjoy.
We all enjoy good company, good food and refreshments, swimming, surfing, hiking, fishing, playing sport and completing a project well done.

 God loves His 3 P’s = Properties – People – Projects because it is His desire for His people to enjoy an abundant life.

Any investment in property should therefore: 

A. be an expression of God’s original plan for property:

    1. to be a place / home of beauty and blessing for His people
    1. to be a place to enjoy good relationships with Him and with one another
    1. to enjoy our mandate to work and to take care of His creation
    1. to enjoy the fruits of our labour and be refreshed
    1. to extend His hospitality to all people
B. serve as a ‘haven’, ‘embassy’ and a ‘bank’ in a prime position in the marketplace and in the community for His kingdom that can never be sold (i.e. held in an entity of which only the share-holding or beneficiaries can be changed):
    1. to be a place where people can network and exchange their i’s & t’s
    1. to be a place where people can invest, protect and exchange their savings and their other assets.
    1. to be a place of earning a fair rental income for the owners of the property (shareholders or beneficiaries)
    1. to be a home where tenants who are a blessing to God’s planet, people and projects can work and be refreshed
    1. to be a place where tenants and customers can feel welcome, meet new friends and be refreshed, informed and empowered to be winners who sow God’s Word of Abundant Life and set people free
C. be managed and guided by the following:
    1. Biblically founded MOI or Trust Deed that makes provision for the above .
    1. Clear vision, mission, strategy and policy re screening the tenants and sharing of the rental ‘cake’.
    1. Dream team of born-again 1 Tim 3 people of character, capacity and comprehension of God’s Big Picture
      of H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth)
      a. who will always declare their possible conflict of interest
      b. who will manage the property not for personal gain but for the benefit of all the shareholders or beneficiaries
My DREAM INVESTMENT in commercial property should thus always have enough floor space set aside +/- 10% for a Coffee Shop and Network & Visitors Centre for the tenants, the customers of the tenants and the visitors in the community.


We welcome any other suggestions you may have to improve the above draft concept and to establish DREAM INVESTMENT PROPERTIES in your community.