GOD’S H.O.P.E. PROPHETIC PRAYER & DECLARATION – for South Africa, Africa & the World 24 Nov 2017

On this day 24 November 2017 in Parliament, Cape Town and all over South Africa you may wish to pray as follows:

Our Father God, Lord Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit,

Thank You for the opportunity You have given us to repent, receive Jesus Christ as our Lord & Saviour and to be born again. John 3:3

We, Your born again children, from across all present cultural, religious, educational, political and economic barriers THANK YOU and PRAISE YOU for setting us free from religion!

THANK YOU for the hunger You have given us for Your Word, the Bible and that we may enjoy a personal relationship with You.

THANK YOU for this opportunity to stand still in Your presence and call on You to please intervene for all our people in our beloved country and continent.

We stand before You today in the full knowledge that we can never be separated from Your power, presence, love, forgiveness and plan to restore Heaven On Planet Earth – H.O.P.E. in South Africa, Africa and the World. 

We choose this day and every day to declare before our fellow citizens and leaders, all the nations and all the spiritual beings of darkness that Your Name will be honoured, Your kingdom will come & that Your H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth) VISION & PLAN will eventually be fully realised on the continent of Africa and the World as it is in heaven Matt 6:10

We are expectant that Your plans are not to harms us but to prosper us, to give everyone who trusts in You a hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11 and also for us to enjoy a more abundant life John 10:10

Please help people of all religions to realise that they are the TARGET of Your love, forgiveness and blessings! Please help them to be BORN AGAIN by repenting and trusting what Jesus, The Super Star of History, did for them on the Cross. May they become Your disciples who also disciple others! Please may they wait on You and be filled with Holy Spirit

Please help us to replace the present false Democracy (‘Demon-crazy’) in our countries with a truthful BIBLICAL Democracy.

Please help us to unlock AND implement the H.O.P.E. 5 POINT PLAN of Action through the judiciary, media, schools, colleges, universities, churches and various organisations (business & non-profit)

May Your Name be glorified and Your people be blessed!

This we pray, not in the name of any religion. We pray this in the Name above every name, Jesus Christ!


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