to sponsor or invest your t’s (time, talents, treasures & testimonies).
to support / sponsor / mentor / empower / enable people to not only become the leaders of sustainable self supporting projects (non profit & business) but also to eventually launch their own projects
to submit your own project (non profit or business) to The GGWorld Hope Foundation for approval and placement on the P2SF PROJECT NOTICE BOARD.

MANY SMALL HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK OF A BIG TASK. Help kick start and maintain an upward spiral of knowledge and skills transfer in order to develop leaders with character & capabilities who can facilitate the creation of wealth which in turn – will create jobs – nurture dignity – diminish poverty, crime and violence – attract visitors, investors and skilled people – creating MORE wealth which in turn – creates MORE jobs …. – etc, and thus taking the upward spiral forever higher and wider. (Altius et Latius)

If you are unable to donate your time, talents or tesitmonies you have the opportunity to donate your treasures (money) to the specific project of your choice by clicking on it’s donation button. All monies donated by you are paid into the SA MISSIONS Charitable Trust bank account. SA MISSIONS ensures that your donation is credited to the specific PROJECT ACCOUNT held with SA MISSIONS of your specified project team. Disbursement of funds by SA MISSION are made on submission of a requisition co-signed by the project treasurer and the P2SF treasurer.

The support/donate button of the following P2SF RECOMMENDED PROJECTS are in the process of being activated and should be available for you in the near future. You can rest assured that your financial support will reach the project of your choice.