SLAY the Giant of Jealousy and be one of the happiest people on earth who know their position in the royal family of God and their place in life and history.

Did you know? Jealousy is the one negative emotion singled out in God’s Ten Commandments. Although interesting it is very important to take note that the Giant of Jealousy is one of Satan’s main weapons to destroy our lives and rob us of our happiness and blessings.

We slay the Giant of Jealousy by allowing the following truths to penetrate deep into our souls (minds & hearts). The truths:

    1. that each one of us has a very special place and role to play in GOD’S H.O.P.E. DREAM

    1. that His plans for our personal lives are the best for us.

    1. that every person on earth is the target of God’s love, forgiveness. protection. blessings, freedom and life

    1. that we must be set free from religion, be rightly related to God and stay in a right relationship with God  i.e
      a. we have no un-repented sin (sin= not trusting Him and ignoring His guidelines for an abundant life)
      b. we are fully surrendered to Him and HIs plan for our lives
      c. we are convinced that we are born again into the richest and most powerful Royal Family of the Universe
When we become convinced and conscious of the above truths none of us will envy anyone’s calling, talents, treasures, success, awards, following and praise.
We see in John 3:22-36 that when the disciples of John the Baptist discovered Jesus was attracting large numbers of followers they said: ‘Rabbi … everyone is going to him’ (v26). John replied that he was a ‘friend of the bridegroom’, and added: ‘He must become greater; I must become less’ (v30). In other words: ‘I know my place and I’m happy in it.’
YES! The happiest people on earth
– know their position in GOD’S ROYAL FAMILY and
– know their specially allocated place, role and time in history (His Story)
– know that no-one and nothing can steal our inheritance in Jesus Christ
Do you know your position and place and are you truly happy? You CAN know and CAN be happy. Click on “How can we help you” or on “Contact Us”