The latest developments across South Africa, Hermanus and many other communities, towns & cities in RSA & Africa, have caused me to urgently invite you the reader to join me and many others in the following prayer.

Almighty Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit:

It is a fact that we South Africans and all Africans are privileged to live on what is surely the most stable and the richest continent with the best climate on planet earth.

Thank you that we are the target of Your love, forgiveness and blessing and that we have the privileg.e to live on this very rich and beautiful continent.

We wish to REPENT and CONFESS that:
– we are perishing because of a lack of knowledge about the ‘H.O.P.E. goals’ of abundant life which You have for us John 10:10
– we continue to ignore Your Word, Your promises and Your ‘HOPE boundaries & rules’ for a better and more abundant life for all’ Jeremiah 29:11
– we lack the will to HEAR and DO Your Word.

Yes, we lack the will and the commitment to: 
1. Live, work & play within Your Biblical H.O.P.E. ‘boundaries and rules’ and to
2. Vote for Your ‘referees’ who can and will blow the whistle and show us the “yellow and red cards” when necessary!

We also neglect to truly honour, love, trust and obey You in so many of the Seven Valleys of our lives. 
1. Personal Relationship with You through repentance & receiving Jesus into our hearts & lives.
2. Personal Happiness & Health
3. Marriage Harmony
4. Family Unity
5. Financial Justice & Freedom
6. Work Fulfilment
7. Community Responsibility & Involvement 

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We do not honour and obey Your 10 Commandments.
We neglect to love, forgive and bless one another across all racial, political, denominational and economic barriers.  
We dishonour You and neglect Your Family Sabbath Day of Rest.
We do not pray “Let Your kingdom come and You will be done here on earth AS IT IS in heaven” with faith and expectation that our prayers will eventually be answered!

Please help us Father God and Lord Jesus Christ to be transparent, honest and straight with You.
Please help us Holy Spirit to be faithful to Father God, Lord Jesus and Your inspired Word, The Bible!.

Thank You Lord God for the Biblical H.O.P.E. ‘rules and boundaries’, by which and within which, we are to ‘play and score’ the H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth) ‘Goals’ you have planned for us – Personal Happiness & Health, Marriage Harmony, Family Unity, Financial Freedom, Work Fulfilment, Community Political and Financial justice, joy and peace!

Please give us the strength and the focused determination not to allow the impacts of temporary trials and tribulations to distract us in our long-term H.O.P.E. purpose and pursuit!

Thank you for Your assurance that IF WE ABIDE in You and in Your Word THEN WE SHALL prevail over the unholy forces of Satan and his team of fallen angelic and human beings.


Please help us bring Your H.O.P.E. salvation, freedom and peace to our families, friends, communities, cities, countries and continents. A peace that will allow all men, women and children to live in freedom and reap the just rewards of their honest work well done! May every person’s sweat (work) and skills (talents) be justly measured and renumerated with Your just money gold, silver & copper

Let Thy H.O.P.E. will be done, Almighty God, here on earth AS IT IS in heaven!

Please help each one of us to persevere in love, forgiveness & blessings!

In the Name of Jesus Christ, our Super Star Saviour, we pray!


God bless and protect all the families & communities in Hermanus & all the other towns in RSA & Africa,
