A Song of Salvation Isaiah 26:1-4
In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah (South Africa, Africa & the World) :

We have a strong city. God will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks.
Open the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in.

You will keep him in perfect peace, 
Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You

Father God loves everyone so much that He has made available to every person on Planet Earth:

A. A GETAWAY from the stress which we experience when we are confronted with:
1. Personal unhappiness, illness & sleeplessness (insomnia) 
2. Marriage disharmony
3. Family Disunity
4. Financial Bondage
5. Work frustrations
6.  Community disunity rioting and clashes

B. A GATEWAY to a MORE ABUNDANT LIFE for every citizen and voter in all communities, cities & countries.  John 10:10 

Sin = not trusting:
1. Father God Who created everything for our benefit, well-being and pleasure.
2. His Biblical H.O.P.E. Boundaries and Rules within which He is still calling every world citizen to live, work and play in order that we can ‘score’ God’s H.O.P.E. Goals for our lives.

Faith = trusting and ‘voting’ for:
1. Father God Who created everything for our benefit, well-being and pleasure.
2. His Biblical H.O.P.E. Boundaries and Rules within which every world citizen is called to live, work and play.

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All Father God asks each one of us to do is: 
1. TO TRUST Father God a nd His proven Born Again team members 
2. NOT TO TRUST Satan or any of Satan’s team members
3. TO BE WARY of the many ‘goats in sheeps clothing’


Trust in JESUS CHRIST and what He did on the Cross for every person is the H.O.P.E. Cornerstone of Good Relationships on which we can, with the help of the Holy Spirit, build a more abundant H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth) life of love, justice, joy and peace! 

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What the Lord Jesus Christ did on the Cross of Golgotha for all people of all nations is the God-given GATEWAY by which we can
a. Tap into His Power which enables us to Stop Sinning (= Stop not trusting & obeying HIm).
Sin = not trusting (not voting for) Father God and not living, working and playing within His boundaries and rules!
Sin = not scoring God’s H.O.P.E. Goals on His beautiful Planet Earth!

b. Escape 
the Stress caused by our Sin.
c. Enter Heaven when the ‘final whistle’ is blown for our llves on planet earth!

Sin = not trusting:
1. Father God Who created everything for our benefit, well-being and pleasure.
2. His Biblical H.O.P.E. Boundaries and Rules within which He is still calling every world citizento live, work and play in order that we can ‘score’ God’s H.O.P.E. Goals for our lives.

Faith = trusting:
1. Father God Who created everything for our benefit, well-being and pleasure.
2. His Biblical H.O.P.E. Boundaries and Rules within which every world citizen is called to live, work and play.

As we trust Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and God’s Holy Spirit inspired Bible we can and we will:
1. ‘Score’ God’s H.O.P.E. Goals in all Seven Areas of our lives.
2. ‘Conquer’ The Seven Mountains in our wards, communities, towns, cities and countries. 

F-D-C The fact of the matter is the following:  

Fact                       Do we or do we not trust (‘vote” for) Father God? 
Decision                Do we or do we not make the right decisions?
Consequence       Do we or do we not reap the good consequences of a More Abundant Life for All Afriicans & World citizens (Black, White, Brown)?

God bless

Dr Matthys Michael de Kock
Life- Liberty-Leadership
Consulting & Coaching