YES THERE IS AN OUTCRY for God’s H.O.P.E Moral Servant Team Leaders and Team Players who have a Proven Record of Character, Comprehension and Capability!

Leaders and Team players who promote:

a. The Implementation of the H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action

b. God-fearing Governance in the judiciary, police, army, media, education, religion, politics, finance, business & NGO organisations 

c. JUST Money (Gold, Silver & Copper) for JUST Work & JUST Exchange Rate….. as it was in the times of no inflation.

       “YES Just Work for YES Just Money”

        “NO Just Work = NO Just Money” 

        “YES Just Exchange Rate  = YES Just Trade”

       “NO Just Exchange Rate = NO Just Trade”

       “Just Work for Unjust Money = Legalised Theft”



1. H.O.P.E Voter & Candidate Education & Qualification (Basic Law, Politics and Finances) in all schools, religious organisations, colleges, universities and work places 

2. Godly Governance Goals, Rules, Boundaries, Coaches, Referees in all sectors of the communities. A ‘Bottom up Democracy – e.g. proven Swiss Model’

3. Just Currencies (gold, silver and copper coins) and Just Exchange Rates as it was during NO INFLATION times in history e.g Byzantine Empire.

4. The Screening and Appointment of the God-fearing Sons of God in positions of leadership who are Qualified H.O.P.E Coaches and Referees who can promote and implement the H.O.P.E 5 Point Game Plan of Action

5  Identification of Qualified H.O.P.E  Leaders & Team Players in the Judiciary, Police, Media, Politics, Finance, Business, Education and Religion who can and will:
a. Take responsibility for the well-being of the people living in the Settlements, Townships, Housing Estates, Wards, Communities, Provinces and Nations.
b. Implement and uphold the H.O.P.E 5 Point Game Plan of Action in the communities, work places and financial institutions.
c. Identify and appoint H.O.P.E Moral Servant Leaders (MSL) in our Communities from across all cultural, financial and party political barriers!

Leaders who ARE CAPABLE and COMMITTED to serve as Father God’s H.O.P.E Moral Servant Leaders in their respective roles as: 
    – H.O.P.E Coaches and Consultants
    – H.O.P.E Referees
    – H.O.P.E Captains & Team Players.    

The Creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the Sons of God Rom 8:19

 God bless

The H.O.P.E Team
Courses Conferences
Coaches Consultants