– TRUST GOD, LOVE GOD and OBEY GOD, i.e live, work, play, save and invest in people, properties and projects God’s H.O.P.E Way!

– TAKE “One Small Step OVER All Religions & Denominations” INTO a Born Again Relationship with Father God’!

– MAKE “One Giant H.O.P.E Leap FOR Mankind” towards the restoration of Heaven On Planet Earth in your family, workplace, community, country & continent!

– EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITY which you, your family and friends are offered by Father God!
…… The OPPORTUNITY to be SET FREE from Satan and to be SET FREE from Injustice, Stress, Poverty, Unemployment, Corruption, Crime and EVERY FORM OF LEGALISED THEFT which is being committed through
1. Inflation,
2. Capital gains taxation
3. Demon-crazy FAKE Democracies,
4. Unjust Currencies & Unjust Exchange Rates!

– PRAY H.O.P.E Targeted & Focused Prayers

– ERADICATE the lack of knowledge and voter education that exists among the majority of uninformed voters!

May God have mercy on our families and frends!

God bless you, your family and your community!

 The H.O.P.E Team
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