LOCKDOWN 2020 forced us to: 
1. Slow down and down size our life-styles,
2. Look at our personal lives (Whole Life Wheel)
3. Re-evaluate our relationships (with God and with one another) and
4. Refocus on what is truly important for our Whole Life Wheel

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YES IT IS TIME to do a H.O.P.E RESET in our: 
1. Vertical Relationship with God (Father | Jesus Christ | Holy Spirit)
2. Horizontal Relationships with our families and fellow citizens
3, Communities: Justice | Leadership | Security | Education | Finances | Banking | Politics | Housing | Transport | Job & Wealth Creation.

God’s Biblical Laws and Creation’s Natural Laws (Facts) determines the outcome (Consequences) of mankinds choices (Decisions).
Therefore mankind is wise to take note of  F- D -C  
i.e. Know the Facts > Make the Right Decisions > Reap Good Consequences 

However let us never forget that God the Creator’s Word | Will | Promises and Power can override any of:
1. Creation’s Natural Laws and
2. Man’s Decisions
in order that God can obtain the Consequences of His choice.

LET US UNLOCK 2021 with our Faith (trust + obey) in Almighty God, in God’s Word and in our H.O.P.E Life changing Decisions and Commitments. In so doing we CAN and WILL Score H.O.P.E  (Heaven On Planet Earth) GOALS.

Are you, your spouse, family, co-workers and fellow citizens ready to Unlock H.O.P.E ( Heaven On Planet Earth) in 2021 ?
Are you ready to unlock God’s ‘More Abundant Life’ H.O.P.E Future? John 10:10
Are you ready to grow and make H.O.P.E improvements in your: 
Personal Life | Marriage Harmony | Familiy Unity | Financial Freedom | Work Fulfilment | Community Justice, Joy & Peace

God has given us His Biblical H.O.P.E ‘Boundaries and Rules’ IN & BY which YOU CAN:
1. Enjoy His presence when you sleep | wake-up | read and hear His Voice | thank and praise Him
2, Seek and embrace God’s H.O.P.E Plans for your personal life on a daily basis.
3. Pray, plan, work, save, invest, vote, play and bless people God’s Biblical H.O.P.E Way 
4. Be God’s H.O.P.E Ambassador and H.O.P.E Team Player in your family, work place and community
5. Encourage fellow citizens to be Born Again into God’s H.O.P.E Royal Family


Today, prepare for a New H.O.P.E Season in your life.
Today, discover and implement God’s H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan on Action for your life 
Today, start building healthy habits and a liberatingrythym for your day and week.

Today, stay focused on your Biblical H.O.P.E Life Journey with Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
Today, make sure you are in God’s H.O.P.E Team and are focused to score H.O.P.E Goals 
Today, start N.E.W.Sing = Networking | Encouraging | Winners ! who Set free captives from Satan

Today, pray for and encourage your family members, friends and co-workers to be BE SET FREE from:
1. Satan and his Hell Team
2. Lack of Knowledge about God’s H.O.P.E Vision. H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan on Action
3. Lack of Motivation for N.E.W.Sing other citizens to also help restore Heaven On Planet Earth

Today, decide to be God’s H.O.P.E Ambassador, Coach, Referee, Captain or Team Player in your family and community

Today, harness the H.O.P.E Power of Multiplication used by Jesus Christ ( 3 close disciples + 9 others) 
 If you commit to disciple 3 people who each commit to disciple 3 people … then in 21 steps (weeks)
 more than 10 billion people will be in the process of being discipled! 

YES! BE A HAPPY and BE God’s positive and expectent H.O.P.E Disciple in 2021!

 GOD BLESS YOU and your family, friends, colleagues and fellow citizens in 2021!

 The H.O.P.E Team
 Contact@World-HOPE.com for more information
 Courses | Consultants | Coaches