EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITY to PRAY IN and RESTORE God’s Kingdom …. here on earth AS IT IS in heaven!

Dear Family, Friends and Fellow Citizens,

The  crime, poverty, lack of jobs, riots. murders and destruction of properties has been caused by:
1. A lack of knowledge of God’s H.O.P.E Vision | Goals | Boundaries | Rules
2. The incompetence to uphold law and order

3. The inability to communicate and implement God’s H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action
4. Very little commitment by citizens | families | friends | communities to:
    a. trust, obey and honour God
live | work | create wealth and jobs | share justly …. within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules. 

We can understand why in the past most churches did not want to be seen to take ‘sides’ with any of the political parties. 

Our Churches however should be the salt and light in our communities by:

  1. Upholding God’s Biblical Goals, Boundaries | Rules | Leadership Qualifications for the families, communities and countries
  2. Promoting and monitoring Triple ‘C’ Leadesrhip Qualification and Performance in our local, provincial and national communities through the Media | Judiciary | Police | Army | Politics | Banking | Education | Businesses | Non Profit Organisations
  3. Coaching the communities and work forces on how to extract and justly share the unlimited God-given wealth resources.
  4. Calling all politicians | judges | police stations | army barracks | broadcasters to step up and be accountable for upholding and executing God’s Biblical Laws (boundaries | rules | goals)


The Born Again (John 3:3;) Body of Christ are especially called by God to: 

  1. Declare and pray in God’s Biblical H.O.P.E Vision 
  2. Implement and pray in God’s Biblical H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action
  3. ‘N.E.W.S’ = Network | Empower Encourage | Winners Warriors who Set Free the captives from Satan and Satans’ Team


In the coming months South Africans have the ideal opportunity to Vote In God’s Kingdom here on earth AS IT IS in heaven at local, provincial and national level. 

The Constitution now also makes it possible to vote for Independent Candidates

We need independent candidates and political party candidates, who will commit in writing that they will promote Godly Governance in our Local Communities and also at Provincial and National Level.

Church leaders and citizens | voters now have the opportunity at local and national level to vote for the candidates who share God-given Biblical Values and our H.O.P.E Dreams for our families, friends and fellow citizens. 

Please enquire about the correspondence we are sending to the local municipal government in Stellenbosch topave the way for citizens to VOTE for Independent Candidates and also for Party Candidates who share Gods HOPE Vision and Five Point Plan of Action


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May God have mercy and bless All Africans (Black | White | Brown)

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