IT IS TIME for Voter Education | Voter Qualification | Candidate Qualification | Community Forums 
IT IS TIME for God’s H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth) in our Families and Communities 
IT IS TIME for God’s H.O.P.E Vision, H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action and H.O.P.E N.E.W.S-ing.
IT IS TIME for God’s H.O.P.E World Reset – Vote for God and God’s Biblical Way
IT IS TIME for God’s H.O.P.E Community Forums to promote Direct Representation for and by the people living in each community ward… ..
look into and learn from the Swiss Model of Governance

Blessings on Obedience Deut 28:1-3

Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth
And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God:
Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.

African Families and Communities (Black | White | Brown) are living on the richest and most stable continent on planet earth, YET they are the poorest people living on planet earth.
They are struggling daily with:
unnecessary poverty, unemployment, crime, corruption, violence 
– poor housing, roads, medical care, education, transportation, policing, job and wealth creation  etc.   

In most of the political parties, companies, religions and non profit organisations it is difficult to know who are God fearing | Born Again | Triple ‘C’ Leaders and who cannot be bribed.

All citizens are therefore encouraged to support and vote for God-fearing Born Again candidates who will INDEPENDENTLY & FEARLESSLY STAND UP, SPEAK UP, SHUN BRIBES and VOTE for God’s Biblical H.O.P.E Goals | Boundaries and Rules in the Wards and in the Municipal | Provincial | National Houses of Parliament.

Yes IT IS TIME to PRAY IN, take hands and speak with GOD’S BIBLICAL VOICEacross all political party boundaries in the Municipalities | Provincial Governments | National Government | Cabinet | Presdency. 

Yes IT IS TIME to embrace the opportunity to Register a Community Forum in your ward for your family and community.
A Comunity Forum opens the door for you, your family and your community to have DIRECT REPRESENTATION from your ward > to your municipality > to your province > to national government  > national cabinet > president of the country.   

Yes IT IS TIME for citizens | voters to take hands across all boundaries (cultures | political parties | denominations) and to:
– trust and obey God 
– educate, work, save, invest, build, disciple, create jobs and vote God’s Way!
 vote for the best H.O.P.E COMMITTED Candidate irrespective of the political party or a direct representative in your community
score God’s H.O.P.E Goals for our families, communities and fellow world citizens 
There is a desperate need for a World H.O.P.E Reset in all sectors of society e.g. Judiciary | Politics | Banking | Education | Media | Police | Army | Housing | Transport | Wealth and Job Creation)

Please encourage your families, friends, fellow citizens to *Pray and Vote* for God fearing Born Again Triple ‘C’ Candidates, i.e. Political Candidates who have the proven Character| Capability | Comprehension and who will take care of the safety, justice, joy and peace of your familiy, friends and fellow citizens. 

May God have mercy and bless All Africans (Black | White | Brown) with Triple ‘C’ Candidates and Members of ‘Parliaments’ (Ward | Municipal | Provincial | National). ‘Parliamentarian’ Members who will consider, adapt and apply a ‘Swiss Model of Governance for Africa’.

May God bless Africa and All African voters, candidates and leaders with the opportunity to:
1. Hear the Good H.O.P.E News of God’s love and desire to forgive and bless all African and World Citzens.
2. Repent, Be Born Again and Be Coached (Discipled) 
3. Score the following World H.O.P.E Reset Goals – Personal Happiness | Marriage Harmony | Family Unity | Financial Freedom | Work Fulfilment | Community Justice Joy and Peace! … for World H.O.P.E Reset Voter and Candidate Education and Qualification