Celebrate Reformation Day 31 Oct 1517 with a commitment to be involved with Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ across all denominational, cultural and political barriers in restoring H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth)!

I have had the privilege to be part of a group of people invited by Dr Peter Hammond and his team to celebrate Reformation Day in the beautiful town of Franschhoek in South Africa. Lorraine and I can strongly recommend that you attend a Reformation Day with Peter, his family and the  Front Line Fellowship Team.
What a privilege to be informed and to thank Almighty God for the work He did in and through the Reformers in Europe, Africa and all over the World.

There is every reason to celebrate Reformation Day 31 October 1517.
Reformation Day should be among the great celebration days of Christmas and Easter.

“You may be asking, “Why?”

The Reformation movement put the focus on the truth that:

1. The Bible is the infallible Word of Almighty God inspired by the Holy Spirit

2. The Happiness, Health, Freedom, Justice, Joy & Peace we all long for our ourselves, families, friends and communities requires that we be BORN AGAIN / RESET in our spirits.
3. The REBIRTH of our spirits is a Gift of God and can only be received from God by REPENTANCE & FAITH (Trusting God).
We need to BELEIVE/ TRUST God that our forgiveness, salvation and restoration of our spirits, souls, bodies, happiness, marriages, families, finances, work ethic, communities, countries & continents is not achieved by our works but by:
a. The Broken Body of Jesus on the Cross
b. The Spilt Blood of Jesus on the Cross
c. The Resurrection and ascension of Jesus to heaven.
d. The Outpouring and receiving of the Holy Spirit and
e. The Implementation of God’s Word into every area of our lives

Consequences of Reformation Day 31 Oct 151

While reading the Bible Martin Luther received the above revelation that brought about a renewal of his mind and his heart. His spiritual rebirth sparked off the Reformation Fire that swept across Europe which eventually had a positive impact on the well-being of millions of people across planet earth:
1. They began to see the light and although they suffered persecution they had hope and enjoyed their personal freedom from ignorance, guilt, fear and stress.
2. They began to experience more and more personal happiness, marriage harmony, family unity, financial freedom, the joy of work fulfilment and community freedom, peace and prosperity.
3. Their communities, cities, countries began to flourish as a new wave of Christian culture and commerce swept over the borders of their countries into the other countries and continents all over the planet

Unfortunately from 1910 onwards the people of Europe were convinced to take  up arms against one another. As a result much of what was achieved was destroyed at unnecessary expense and the cost of the lives of millions of people.

Come Holy Spirit, please blow over our peoples and rekindle The Reformation fire (continuous renewal of our minds and hearts) so that Your light will disperse the darkness of ignorance, jealousy, un-forgiveness, poverty, violence, abuse, crime, corruption, stress, broken relationships, discontent, etc and bring an end to unnecessary conflicts (family disputes, strikes, wars)Challenges of Reformation Day 31 Oct 151

We who believe and say we have been saved and reborn through the shedding of the atoning Blood of Christ on the cross should ask ourselves and one another the questions:

1. “Are we as His people open to be part of the process of being continually reformed, more and more, into the image of Jesus Christ

2. “Are we different from who we were before we also received and embraced the revelation that caused Martin Luther and others like Calvin, Zwingly and many others to talk, walk and work with hope and with authority?”

3. “Are we truly God’s people making a difference in our homes, our workplaces and our communities?”

4.  “Will we make a point of celebrating reformation day next year and help our children, family and friends to take time out time to STOP and THINK about for Reformation Day and give thanks to the Lord for the men and women whom He used to let His light shine more brightly on planet earth?”

When we the saved sin it is worse than when sinners sin?

Are we not to know better and to do better?

Please contact us at Contact@World-HOPE.com if you wish to:
– Know more 
– Be part of the God’s H,O,P,E, Team to restore Heaven On Planet Earth 
– Allow the Lord to work in and through you to bring about H.O.P.E … on earth as it is in heaven.