FELLOW CITIZENS are encouraged to:
- Understand that God loves all peoples across all colours, cultures and religions so much
….. “that He did not send any religion | denomination | religious leader OR political party | political leader OR banker
…. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth so that whoever repents and invites His Son into their Whole Life (mind | heart / will) will be Born Again (John 3:3) into the richest most powerful Royal Family in the Universe! - Be Born Again Family, Followers and Friends of Father God | Jesus Christ | Holy Spirit
- Embrace our God-given opportunity to experience ‘A More Abundant Life’ John 10:10
- Register World H.O.P.E Community Forums in your Communities which focus on Personal Happiness | Marriage Harmony | Family Unity | Financial Freedom | Work Fulfilment | Community Security, Justice, Joy and Peace
- Enrol for H.O.P.E Voter & Leadership Courses focused on Votere and Community Education | Encouragement | Empowerment
- Become H.O.P.E Triple ‘C’ Qualified Voters & Candidates who can protect and prosper our families and communities
- Live | Work | Play | Govern in God’s H.O.P.E Teams as Moral Servant Leaders and Citizens in all sectors of society:
– Judiciary | Media | Police | Army
– Media | Education | Religion
– Politics | Banking |
– Farming | Fishing | Minining | Manufacturing | Contruction | HospitalityH.O.P.E Coaches | Players | Ambassadors are encouraged to:
- Spend time, alone and collectively, to praise God for setting them free from Satan and Sin (rebellion against God and His Word)
- Pray the Our Father’s H.O.P.E Prayer with expectation – “His will be done here on earth AS IT IS in heaven“
- Be empowered on how to implement and monitor God’s H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action
- Participate in H.O.P.E N.E.W.S-ing of God’s Born Again (John 3:3) H.O.P.E Team Members
(Network | Empower | Winners who | Set Free the captives from Satan, Satan’s Team and from Stress) - Score H.O.P.E (Heaven On Planet Earth) Goals
‘I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope.’ (v5)
BORN AGAIN Followers and Friends of Jesus are all called by God and God’s H.O.P.E Team to:
– Serve as God’s H.O.P.E Ambassadors and Co-workers.
– Sow and Promote God’s H.O.P.E Vision | H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action | H.O.P.E ‘N.E.W.S’ing in our communities.
The Role of the H.O.P.E Ambassador’s, Coaches, Referees, Captains and Team Players is to:
– wait on and practice in their God-given H.O.P.E position and H.O.P.E Game Plan of Action
– know the God-given moment to speak, act, intervene and score World H.O.P.E Reset Goals!
Doing what is right (God’s Biblical Way) and doing what needs to be done at the right time is critical (2 Cor. 5:20).
Too often God’s H.O.P.E Team unknowingly and unnecessarily surrender groundto Satan’s HELL Team.
Loosing the battle against Satan’s Teams happens when God’s H.O.P.E Teams Players fail to:
– understand where the main battle fields are
– put on the full Armour of God
– shine the Light (The Bible | Word of God) where the main darkness is presently prevailing
in our families | communities | countries | continents
e.g. David could not defeat Goliath while wearing Saul’s armour.
David defeated Goliath by utilising his God-given strengths, skills and timing.
The Way we present God’s H.O.P.E Good News and implement God’s H.O.P.E 5 Point Game Plan of Action is critical.
It is also important that we Understand The Times in which we are living | working | saving | investing | voting | governing | banking!
The Bible records that the men of Issachar were ‘men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do’ (1 Chron. 12:32).,
It is challenging and exciting to stand firm and expectantly on God’s Biblical Word, while facing fast-changing:
– morals | standards
– social, monetary, financial and political world views.
We are encouraged to embrace, reset, proclaim and teach God’s eternal Biblical H.O.P.E Truth (His Goals | Boundaries | Rules) in such a manner that we will be heard, understood and supported to implement God’s Biblical H.O.P.E Way within our families, communties. countries and continents.
Fellow citizens, we kindly encourage you to:
– register and support your Local Community H.O.P.E Forum
– embrace and promote Voter and Candidate Education & Qualification in your communities.
World H.O.P.E Reset = Heaven On Planet Earth
God bless you and your family | friends | communities | countries | continents