Everything must Change God’s Way – Brian McLaren

When groups of people defect and band together in the Way of Jesus:
They form what we might call unterror cells.
They secretly plot detonations of hope.
They quietly conspire to set off explosions of spontaneous kindness.
They plan gentle coup d’etats to replace regimes of domination and oppression with movements of empowerment and service.”

“In a complete overthrow of violent terrorism, they fly airplanes of generosity into towers of need and plant improvised encouragement devices by roadsides and in neighborhoods everywhere, seeking God’s kingdom and God’s equity.” Brian McLaren

Please make a committed and an accountable decision to pray in and take hands with voters and fellow citizens who would:
– Welcome God’s World H.O.P.E Reset here on earth AS IT IS in heaven 
– Be Happy to live | work | trade | play | save | invest | exchange | vote | be governed  … within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules.

Only then will we bring an end to poverty | unemplpyment | riots | corruption | poor governance etc. Only then will there be hope for a ‘Touch of Heaven On Planet Earth‘ in Africa and the World.

“When people Repent, are Born Again and form H.O.P.E Cells of Twelve Disciples, like Jesus did, they will plant and establish H.O.P.E Communities, Cities, Continents Countries on God’s beautiful and bountiful Planet Earth!”

Yes! BE A LIFE of H.O.P.E TORCH BEARER from Cape to Cairo, Jerusalem and World Wide

BE PART of a H.O.P.E Team which which will
– Secretly plant Seeds of Hope for a Better H.O.P.E Life for All..
– Quietly conspire to set off ‘explosions’ of spontaneous kindness.
– Plan gentle coup d’etats to replace the regimes of domination, oppression, corruption
with movements of empowerment, service, justice, joy and peace!.

In a peaceful overthrow of corrupt and violent governance:
– They will fill Trains and Airplanes of Generosity to bless the people who are committed to work 
– They will meet needs and plant sign posts in the media, by the road sides and in neighbourhoods everywhere
– They will seek, find and promote God’s H.O.P.E kingdom and God’s H.O.P.E equity, justice, joy and peace here on earth AS IT IS in heaven in our personal lives | marriages | families | finances | work places and in our communities, countries and contintents.

YES! Everything will only Change for the Better (i.e. We will only expereince “A Touch of Heaven On Planet Earth”) when we COMMIT TO ‘N.E.W.S’ and successfully IMPLEMENT a World H.O.P.E Reset in our personal lives, families, finances and communities (Economy and Politics)
(‘N.E.W.S’  Network | Empower Encourage | Winners Warriors who Set Free captives from Satan’s HELL Team)

MAY GOD HAVE MERCY and enable you, your family and friends to introduce yourselves to the:
1. World H.O.P.E Reset Team | H.O.P.E One Pagers | H.O.P.E Courses | H.O.P.E Consultants | H.O.P.E Coaches’
  They are available to teach | guide | coach you and your families, friends and co-workers on
                          HOW to Score God’s H.O.P.E Goals !

2. World H.O.P.E Reset Qualified ‘Referees’ (Judges | Police | Army | Politicians who can ensure that interested citizens will have the opportunity to create wealth and jobs | save | invest | teach | vote | live in peace and harmony with all people within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules 

3. World H.O.P.E Reset  Qualified ‘Coaches’ in the Media | Schools | Colleges | Universities | Work Places    

With God’s blessing and our co-operation with one another …. ‘to live, work, invest, vote, govern, play and honour God’s Sabbath Day …. God’s Biblical Way ….WE WILL unlock unlimited opportunities to create food, jobs and better life for all peopls of all nations” 

                                    GOD BLESS AFRICA and the WORLD

                                                For World-HOPE.com
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