Community H.O.P.E Forums
BIBLICAL Foundations | Focus | Principles | Goals | Boundaries | Rules | Referees | Coaches | Qualified Voters and Candidates 

It is essential to establish and register Community H.O.P.E Forums which promote Voter and Candidate Education and Qualification.
For a better life for all citizens it is important to identify potential Leaders who can Motivate Voters and Citizens on how to 
Plan, Work, Share, Save, Invest, Vote and Govern: 
    a. within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules 
    b. for the Glory of God. 

The PURPOSE of Community H.O.P.E Forums is to EMPOWER citizens on how to identify and vote for Leaders who can Motivate Citizens | Voters  to Plan, Work, Share, Save, Invest and live: 
    a. within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules 
    b. for the Glory of God. Voter and Canditate | Education | Qualification | Politics and Economics
      Swiss Model of Governance = Direct Representation 
      from the wards > munisipalities > districts > provinces > national  > cabinet > president (one year term)     

 IT IS TIME to be expectant of a H.O.P.E Outcome for our Families and Communities when we embrace the following steps:
1. Fear and Honour God Who Is: 
    – The “I AM’ | The Giver of Abundant Life (Be Healthy and Be Happy) 
    – The Source of All our ‘P’ Needs (See ‘P’ Needs Building)
2. Seek First God’s H.O.P.E Kingdom (Heaven On Planet Earth of God and All the other things will be added unto us.
3. Be Good and Wise Stewards
     Wisdom = Hear + Do God’s Will
4. Protect and Promote the H.O.P.E 5 POINT PLAN OF ACTION in our families and communities:
    – BACK to God : Repent | Be Born Again | Be Spirit Filles
    – BACK God-fearing Bbilical Justice | Joy | Peace upheld by God fearing Born Again Triple “C’ Leaders
    – BACK to Just Money (Gold | Silver | Copper)  to protect and promote Wealth and Job Creating  Opportunities
    – BACK to No Work = No Food | No Pay | No Benefits
   –  BACK to ‘N.E.W.Sing’ (Network | Empower | Winners 
   – BACK to Work – Leadership – Play God’s Way 
   – BACK to Setting the Captives FREE from Stress* | Satan | Satan’s HELL Team.
      Stress* due to a lack of health | employment | finances | clean fun


Identification of potential Leaders who can Motivate Voters and Citizens to Live, Plan, Work, Share, Save, Investand vote:
      a. within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules 
      b. for the Glory of God. 

5. Bi-Annual Family Holiday (7-10 Days) to Celebrate God’s health protection and blessings (spirit | soul | body) a
      “Where there is Unity in a family or community God commands His blessings”
6. After FCNI (Family Charity | New Investments)
    equal financial dividends | grants are to be paid out TO the beneficiaries who are working (business | ministry).
     Yes! Work to promote a more abundant life John 10:10 for all family members and community citizens who also work. 

Honour God for Financial Gains: 
– Honour the Sabbath (no work except emergency) 
– Honour Biblical Job Creation, Business market-related practices, boundaries and rules 
– Honour Biblical Decisions. If decisions are not in writing and signed by the parties, there is no decision
– Honour Biblical Ethics at all times (honesty | transparency | dependability | accountablity)
May God have mercy and bless our families, communities, countries and continents with the opportunity to:
– Be Happy | Be Healthy | Repent | Be Born Again | Pray | Work | Play | Save | Invest |  Rest | Vote | Be Moral Servant Leaders who serve communities …… God’s Biblical Way for World H.O.P.E Reset One Pagers | Courses | Coaches | Consutlants | Conferences