THERE IS HOPE for All Africans (Black, White, Brown) to ‘trade in’ their present unemployment, poverty & crime
for a Better Future and a more abundant H.O.P.E. Life = Heaven On Planet Earth (John 10:10) :
– IF WE PRAY the Our Father’s Prayer with expectation and
– IF WE CALL for the implementation and on going monitoring of:
A. God’s H.O.P.E. 5 Point Plan of Action
B. Voter Qualification (Education & Graduation),
C. Leadership ‘Triple C’ Qualification (Character, Comprehension & Capability)
D. Regular ‘Triple C’ (Character, Comprehension & Capability) Leadership
Performance Evaluation of the:
a. ‘Coaches & Consultants’ (Parents, Educators, Media)
b. ‘Referees’ (Judiciary, Police, Army, Security Companies, Politicians, Media)
c. ‘Financial Score Protectors’ (Just Money, Just Minimum & Maximum
Renumeration for sweat, skills & input costs, Just Taxation & Just Banking
d. ‘Food Producers’ (Farming, Fishing)
e. ‘Most important Wealth & Job Creating Sectors’
(Farming, Fishing, Minning, Manufacturing and Hospitality & Tourism
We are called not to look back and not to accuse and fight one another.
We are called to protect and create wealth, jobs and a better life for all!
We are called to look forward with trust in God and to talk, pray, walk and work together!
May Father God have mercy on all Africans (Black, White, Brown)
The FEAR of God is the beginning of wisdom Prov 9:10
Wisdom = to know and to do God’s Word
Dr Matthys Michael de Kock