Calling Freedom Dream Teams on this FREEDOM DAY

(27 April is a public holiday in South Africa) to contemplate, commemorate and celebrate the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension to heaven of not only the Super Star of History but also the GREATEST FREEDOM FIGHTER in history who used respect, love, forgiveness, healing, blessing and freedom of choice, as His ‘ammunition’ to  fight for your and my freedom !

When we think of Freedom and freedom fighters, names like Moses, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Churchill, Nelson, Mandela and others tend to come up in our conversations.

But the Name above every name that stood for and lived for and died for true freedom is none other than Jesus Christ, the Super Star of history. No other person in history has furthered the cause of freedom more than Jesus! No other person in history has, is and will in future positively set us free and impact our lives and the world with true freedom as He has done in the past, is doing in the present and will still be doing more so in the future.


Let us celebrate today and everyday the greatest freedom fighter of all time in history by identifying, encouraging, networking and empowering FREEDOM & H.O.P.E. TEAMS that are already initiating and driving H.O.P.E PROJECTS (business and non profit) that are furthering the cause of  FREEDOM FOR ALL and will contribute to the realisation of  God’s ‘Heaven On Planet Earth’ Dream’ for South Africa, Africa and the World. Invest in and support such projects and teams which serve as special ‘pieces’ to complete His Big Picture Puzzle of FREEDOM and H.O.P.E.



Jesus Christ, the Super Star of history, was given the goal and authority by God the Father to restore Heaven On Planet Earth by empowering God’s people under His lordship with the Word and the Holy Spirit:

… to teach people to repent, to be born again and to be in a relationship with God

    instead of merely being in a religion or a denomination.

… to be holy and without blame before Him in love

… to disciple those who are born again and believe (trust) Him and who are
baptised in water and the Holy Spirit

… to pray the our Father’s Prayer with faith (trust) and obedience:

     ‘His kingdom come on earth ….. ‘as it is in heaven’

… to observe everything He taught them in respect of Personal Happiness, Marriage

    Harmony, Family Unity, Financial Freedom, Work Fulfillment & Community
Impact (i.e  in politics and economics)

… to be holy and without blame before Him in love, Eph 1:4



The task or GOAL that God set before His Son Jesus = is to SET US FREE from:… the clutches of Satan’s kingdom of darkness and
… Satan’s hold on our spirit, soul (minds and emotions), bodies, finances
… Satan’s ‘legalised’ political and financial systems of slavery
and to RESTORE ‘Heaven on Planet Earth’ .

And WOW! We have also been chosen in Him before the foundation of the world to allow Him to work IN and THROUGH us to do like-wise and accomplish His H.O.P.E goal. We can CHOOSE to accept or reject His invitation to be a member of one of His Freedom & H.O.P.E.Teams!

His task includes to ‘inflate’ and ‘balance’ our ‘Life Wheels’.
Our task is:
… to confess that our life wheels are ‘flat’ and ‘unbalanced’,
… to repentant and then
… to allow Him to be the Lord of our personal lives, our marriages, our families, our finances, our work and our communities (economy and politics) i.e. to  allow Him to ‘inflate’ and ‘balance’ our ‘Life Wheels’



I like how Selwyn, one of my mentors since 1990, puts it:

“At a personal level, the twelve must have been astonished (whether then or later) to find themselves promised such exalted status in the future restoration of His people (see Matt. 19:28). We cannot be certain that the disciples knew at the moment of their choosing that their selection had been based on a night of prayer (clearly they knew it later or it would not be contained in the sacred record). But if it was conveyed to them at the time, how it must have nourished them at a deep level to know they had been handpicked by Jesus after prayerful consultation with His heavenly Father.


Jesus reassigned His leadership of the twelve tribes of Israel to men of His choosing. And His new leaders were artisans, fishermen and men on the fringes of the mainstream of life. (NOTE, they were not educated in religion and doctrine)!


Our sense of privilege need be no less than theirs. ‘In Christ’ we too have been chosen from before the world’s foundations (see Eph. 1:4), the object of the loving communion of the eternal Father and Son. Our mission, like theirs, flows out of His love; betrayals like that of Judas occur when we lose touch with such a love.


Eph 1:4 …He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,



IN WHICH FREEDOM OR HOPE TEAM ARE YOU PLAYING? Who is coaching you and your team? Be expectant to be a winner in a winning Freedom or HOPE dream team! Take the hard knocks of the game, get up and give it your all!


Keep in mind that the members of the enemy teams who are benefitting financially from their undercover and underground activities of exploitation, extortion and ‘legalized theft’ will do everything in their power to prevent you from advancing towards the Goals of Freedom for All and H.O.P.E.    Do not be surprised if you face opposition when you are winning ‘territory’ and about to score Freedom ‘goals’.



But above all keep top of mind that the Super Star and Greatest Freedom Fighter of history who is presently seated at the right hand of the Father is  due to return to earth unexpectedly with a shout. Only the Father knows when He will return Jesus to earth again.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18  (NKJV)
16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.


So beloved H.O.P.E Dream Team members, BE COMFORTED, REJOICE, BE HAPPY! STAND UP STRAIGHT no matter how you may feel today. BE STRONG!

He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can think, ask  or do. Eph 3:20

We can do ALL things in Christ Who strengthens us  Phil 4:13


MAY EVERYDAY BE A FREEDOM DAY MARCH to the ultimate victory that will bring about TRUE FREEDOM FOR ALL.


Dear Father in heaven, please help me to be a faithful freedom fighter like  Your Son Jesus Christ, Who set His face like a flint to gain my freedom and the freedom of all who call on His name. In Jesus  name. Amen