BE HAPPY I BE HEALTHY | BE One of God’s World H.O.P.E Reset Team Players | BE a World H.O.P.E Reset CITIZEN (Voter | Wealth & Job Creator in your community!)
Word Hope
BE HAPPY I BE HEALTHY | BE One of God’s World H.O.P.E Reset Team Players | BE a World H.O.P.E Reset CITIZEN (Voter | Wealth & Job Creator in your community!)
YES !!! God wants you, your family, your friends and your fellow citizens to BE a HAPPY & HEALTHY Winners and Warriors who scores God’s H.O.P.E Goals = Justice, Joy and Peace in your families | neighbours | friends | colleagues at work | community.
YES !!! There is HOPE for a More Abundant Life for All John 10:10
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WHY? Because YOU are on Planet Earth for a very special purpose at a time as this in the history of the world! (History = His Story + Your Story)
YES! It is YOUR Decision to step into your destiny and be born again (in your spirit, soul and body) into the richest and most powerful Royal H.O.P.E Family of God on Planet Earth and the Universe!
Why is there HOPE?
Because YOU, your marriage, family, finances, friends, colleagues at work and fellow citizens are all the target of God’s love, forgiveness and blessings.
Because you will eventually become more comfortable to share, with people whom God brings over your path, that:
a. God loves all citizens (Black White Brown) so much that:
– He did not send any religion, denomination, religious leader
– He sent Jesus Christ His Son so that whoever believes in Him (Trusts + Obeys HIm)
will not perish but have a more abundant and everlasting life.
b. It is Good News that the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed on the Criss for all
c. It is your privilege and joy to share your personal testimony.
YOU ARE THE TARGET of God’s love, forgiveness, blessings, life & plan to bring about
H.O.P.E. = Heaven On Planet Earth.
“Freedom, Justice, Joy and Peace for ALL”