LOCKDOWN 2020 PRAYER – Our Prayer response to God should be as follows:

Dear Father God, 


A. YOU ARE ALMIGHTY GOD and THE ALL POWERFUL CREATOR of Heaven, Planet Earth and all nations and nationalities!  
– You are still on Your Throne!
– You are not shocked by the State of the World Nations right now. 
– Your ways are not our ways. Your ways lead to Life, Liberty, Justice, Joy & Peace 
– You are not at a loss about what we need to do. 
– Nothing is impossible for You, and thus also for us who trust You. Everything is “HIM-possible” for You!
– You have mercy on ALL South Africans, Africans & World citizens
You ALONE are WORTHY of all glory and all our trust (faith) and praise.

B. YOU ARE CALLING ALL PEOPLE of all nations, religions and political parties to Repent and ‘Score the following H.O.P.E GOALS’

1. Honour You by honouring our Parents, Your Sabbath Day and the rest of Your 10 Commandments, which are Your Boundaries & Rules for a More Abundant Life.

2. Live, work, play and also do everything else, e.g. parenting, education, policing,  politics, banking, investing, taxation, trading etc 
    within Your Biblical Boundaries & Rules and in so doing be capable of ‘scoring’ H.O.P.E Goals

3. Seek FIRST Your H.O.P.E Governance in our families and communities (politics & economics) here on earth
    AS IT IS in heaven, from generation to generation.UPDATED HOPE FoldedFlyer 02082019 8

4. Implement the H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action: 
    a.  Be Born Again, restore our relationship with You and also our relationships with one another!
    b.  Live, work, trade and play within Your Biblical Boundaries, Rules & Weights!
    c.  Free Market Economy and Just Weights (e.g. Gold & Silver) for sweat, skills, costs and pricing.
    d. Wealth & Job creation through the Production of food and goods e.g. farming, fishing, mining, manufacturing, hospitality and tourism
    e. Appoint competent ‘Coaches and Referees’ in our communities who will promote a Biblical Free Market Economy and Governance (e.g. Biblical Swiss Model)

Please help us Father God, Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit to PUSH BACK the present: 
– Fear that is prevailing in our families, communities, countries and nations
– Darkness in our minds, hearts and wills which has led up to the 2020 LOCKDOWN
– Lack of fear and respect for You and Your Word
– Distrust in You and Your plans to prosper us and to give us a hope and a future.Jer 29:11

Holy Spirit, Please help us to repent and turn away from our rebellious ways and be born again John 3:3 so that we can have a more abundant live John 10:10

Please help us to SHINE YOUR BIBLICAL H.O.P.E. LIGHT on how: 
– we live, work, play, and
– we do religion, banking, business, pricing, voting and governing 
– we go forward towards promoting personal happiness & health, marriage harmony, family unity, financial freedom, work fulfilment
and community harmony, food production, wealth & job creation and peace & prosperity.

May YOUR BIBLICAL H.O.P.E LIGHT SHINE so brightly that the FEAR of DEATH and the FEAR of an ECONOMIC CRISIS will speedily come to an end.

May the generations to come look back on LOCKDOWN 2020 and be filled with joy, gratitude and thanksgiving because of the birth of Your World H.O.P.E Revival of Biblical Governance, Peace & Prosperity during the 21 Days of LOCKDOWN 2020! 

WE DECLARE that the FUTURE GENERATIONS will lift up and clap their hands with praise, adoration and thanksgiving for YOUR MERCY and OUR DECISIONS & ACTIONS during LOCKDOWN 2020!

May future generations CELEBRATE with Thanksgiving Songs, Praise & Feasting because of  the FRUITS (Justice, Joy, Peace & Prosperity) which they will harvest. The Fruit they will harvest because of the Biblical H.O.P.E REVIVAL which took place during LOCKDOWN 2020


1. You will be honoured and glorified by the positive outcome of the revival that will birthed during this pandemic.

2. Your Name will be known, honoured and praised throughout South Africa, Africa and the World!

 In Jesus’ Name, we pray. 


God bless 

Dr Matthys M de Kock,
On behalf of all present and future
Pro-Deo H.O.P.E. Prayer Warriors, Team Players, Coaches, Consultants & Referees 
“Unashamedly Committed to Score God’s H.O.P.E Goals on Planet Earth “

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