We welcome your suggestions for a Collection of H.O.P.E. & FREEDOM LOGOS or SIGN POSTS which can help us stay on the Road to H.O.P.E. and Freedom. We need all the assistance we can get so that we all may reach, with the Lord’s help, our ultimate Destination of Heaven On Planet Earth and Freedom.

Logos or signposts telling a story give us a clear message and direction on the long road to freedom. 

There is an old saying: “A picture is worth a 1000 words.”

The Road to Freedom from poverty, fear, despair, abuse and exploitation starts with our God-given freedom to think and to make our own personal and collective choices about:
A. The direction we wish to take
B. The attitude we decide to embrace on the journey.

What we think in our mind and what we feel in our heart determines our will. 
What we think, feel and will thus determines:
– who we are and
– what we will decide to say and do and
– what we will keep on saying and doing on the road to freedom for all.
If we wish to reach our freedom destination here on earth we need to:

a. Decide to trust God and trust that God knows what is the right road to freedom.

b. Allow the Holy Spirit inspired Road Map/Word of God to RENEW our minds, hearts and wills 

c. Make a commitment to imitate the role-model life of Jesus and the lives of many champions like Martin Luther, Wilberforce, Livingstone, the Wesley brothers, Abraham Lincoln, Billy Graham, Mandela. Mother Theresa, and Gandhi who admired and imitated Jesus in many ways. Only God knows whether they truly accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour and were born again in their spirits.

A. In the  I.T. Exchange logo below you can see the first of the i’s = an Invitation to have an exchange:
– our i’s =  ideas, information, inspiration and innovation and
– our t’s = time , talents, treasures & testimonies or stories with one another about the road to freedom for all.

We encourage you to embrace and share the picture story depicted in the I.T. Exchange Logo
= Our caring Father in the Good Samaritan parable/story invites everyone across all social, cultural and class barriers with a big i:
    • to exchange our life in a ‘pigsty’  (pollution, poverty, crime, conflict etc) for a life of freedom by returning to Him, His protection and His plans to give us a hope, a future and a life of freedom and abundance here on planet earth “as it is in heaven”
    • to exchange our I.T.’s =  I’s: ideas, information, inspiration. & T’s: time, talents, treasures & testimonies with Him and one another in a spirit of  “we agree to disagree, without being disagreeable.”
    • to exchange our sweat, skills and our I.T.’s for real money and for a fair share of the wealth (cake) we help to create (bake)
    • to exchange our un-forgiveness for His forgiveness, our hate for His love, our despair for His hope, our distrust for His trustworthiness
    • to exchange man’s paper currency for His real money (gold and silver)
In the I.T. Exchange logo you can also see:
    • the outstretched arms and the running feet of the loving Father in the Good Samaritan parable/story running to meet you/us as we respond to His invitation and you/we return back ‘home’ to Him and live within the ‘boundaries’ of His kingdom?
    •  …the i’s?, …the t’s?, …the Cross? … the Anchor …the J for Jesus (who is the Super Star of history and the Way, the Life, the Truth?)?
    • in the O = …. the first letter of the Our Father’s prayer in which we are taught to pray for H.?
      in the O = …. planet earth?
      in the O = … the gold coin?

We cannot stress it enough .. the road to freedom is NOT the road of any religion. The road to freedom is the road of relationships with one another as we follow Jesus and people who followed Him and followed His example.

In the the H.O.P.E. Compass below you can see  not only the N.E.W.S. Plan of  Action to realise our personal dreams and in so doing be a Freedom Key in God’s hands to realise God’s H.O.P.E Dream for the World. You can also see the Super Star of history (His Story) on the Cross forming the ‘telescope’ of God through which He ‘aims’ at our our minds and hearts to ‘dart’ us with His mind and heart:

– so that we may think and feel about our neighbours and opponents as He does.

– so that we will understand and implement His plans to give every individual person across all barriers (religion, political, financial, culture, class) a hope and a future and to forgive and prosper everyone in the Rainbow Nations of the World.

Use the N.E.W.S. plan of action to spread the Good N.E.W.S. to the North, East, West and South ends
of the earth as you encourage YOUR people:
    • N = to Network with people from across all social, political and religious barriers who are committee to freedom.
    • E = to Empower & Encourage people, especially the youth, to Exchange their  I.T.’s until they Experience a touch of Heaven on Planet Earth
    • W = to become Winners in life but who also help
    • S  = to Set free their family, friends, colleagues and neighbours who have no hope.
We encourage you to remember everyday, and not only on Remembrance or Poppy Day:
    1. that God has a HOPE Dream for the World .. “ on earth as it is in heaven”
    1. that you and you loved ones are the TARGET of God’s love, forgiveness, blessings and His life because He loves you and the world so much that He gave His Son, His Holy Spirit and His Word to work IN and THROUGH you to realise His HOPE dream
    1. that you are invited by a Good God, a Giving God, a Great God to be part of a Dream Team to change the world and let His kingdom come and His will be done on earth (in your family, community, country and continent) as it is in heaven!

If you share the Lord’s Dream and Purpose of “Heaven On Planet Earth” we encourage you to use the I.T. Exchange logo and the H.O.P.E Compass logo with  your DREAM TEAMS at home, at work and on the playing fields and share the explanation with you family, friends and colleagues.


If you have any other ideas for logos you would suggest to keep us on the long road to freedom, please be free to send in your suggestions.