Please STOP, THINK & PRAY before we make DECISIONS & TAKE ACT!ON for a H.O.P.E. FUTURE!

      As people and leaders gather together during this historic week in 2018 to honour and celebrate the  reconciliatory efforts which President Mandela made during the latter days of his life:

      Please PRAY that God will have mercy on South Africans and pour out His Holy Spirit on the leaders and the citizens of all races so that they will repent for their lack of love and respect for God and for one another.

      Please PRAY that we the people of Africa will follow the example of Jesus Christ the Super Star of History to honour, respect and love Father God and one another! 

      Please pray for the restoration of the justice, joy, peace & prosperity experienced by all in the Garden of Eden before man (male and female ) fell for the lie of Satan and thus into the trap of Satan. 

      Please PRAY for the removal of all obstacles which are denying the poor people all over Africa and the World the opportunity to be set free from guilt, stress. poverty and violence because of a lack of knowledge, love, discipline, jobs, homes and hope in our families and communities!.

      Please PRAY for God’s mercy and power to enable us, the leaders and citizens, to repent and take up personal responsibility to love and respect God and His people, properties & projects, 

      Take the F-D-C Bull by the horns – look at the Facts, make the right Decision and celebrate good Consequences:

      a. Clean up where we live, work and walk, 

      b. Work to produce food and create wealth & jobs (farm, fish, mine, manufacture and build homes, guest rooms, guest houses, hotels, good roads etc)

      May God have mercy on Africans and bless South Africa and Africa with a H.O.P.E. Movement of people from across all racial, religious, political and financial barriers who take hands to implement the H.O.P.E. 5 POINT PLAN and restore the peace, prosperity and love people experienced in the Garden of Eden.

      God bless

      Matthys & Lorraine