The GGWorldHOPE.NET and the

websites and the fun H.O.P.E. “think tank” H.O.P.E. HOLIDAY BREAKS are for people from all cultures, classes, religions, denominations and organisations (business, governmental and non profit):

    • who seek truth, hope, freedom, justice, joy and peace where there is despair
    • who are praying for a break through in their personal lives, marriages, family, finances, work, community and country
    • who would like to experience a touch of Heaven On Planet Earth (H.O.P.E.)
    • who would like to be set free of the shackles of ignorance and rise up and fly like eagles free of fear, disease, debt, poverty, broken relationships and crime
    • who respect all people, their properties, their possessions and their opinions
    • who are prepared to agree to disagree without being disagreeable
    • who are in leadership in media, schools, religious organisations, government, judiciary, military, police, business, schools and hospitals and who would like to empower their respective teams and team members to be happy and free from stress due to guilt, conflicts, disease, poverty, crime, corruption, financial and political pressures
    • who are loyal team members and would like their team members to be a Dream Team who work and play together in unity to bring H.O.P.E and FREEDOM & BLESSINGS. Where there is unity God commands His blessings. Ps 33

    • who want to be a blessing to their families, friends, colleagues and clients.

    • who want to tackle or treat the cause and not merely the symptoms of the problems facing so many people From all cultures, classes, religions, denominations and organisations (business, governmental and non profit)

    • who also appreciate the fact that prevention is better than cure

    • who need to hear that they are the target of God’s love, forgiveness, blessings and life and that they have a choice:
      i)  to restore their relationship with God and to be a special part of one of His Dream Teams to realise His HOPE Dreams for their family, community, country and continent.
      ii) to become a family member of the wealthiest and most powerful royal family in the universe

    • who would like to enter into the market place and be an instrument in God’s hands to create wealth and jobs for everyone

    • who would like every person to have the OPPORTUNITY to not be a burden to anyone and to take up their PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and WORK  for their personal needs, regardless of monetary pay, within a just political and financial system governed:
      i)  by people of character and capacity who have the comprehension of how the big picture of H.O.P.E and FREEDOM and
      ii)  by people who show no tolerance for any form of “legalised theft” that is presently being committed and tolerated in society.
       e.g inflation, sliding scale of tax, unbacked currencies,  fluctuating exchange rates, the “casino economy” above the real economy, etc
      THERE IS WORK FOR EVERYONE although there may not be paid work for everyone! God requires of us to work with Him six days a week without any preconditions of renumeration from any person. God promises He will take care of everyone who works six days a week even without monetary pay! The Lord is the best employer we can ever hope for! He is more than an employer. He is our Creator and Father who loves us and wishes to take care of our every need and not necessarily our every want!

IF YOU FALL INTO ANY OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES we invite you to enjoy the journey with us to H.O.P.E. and FREEDOM as we read, discuss and make good decisions based on facts/truth so that we can experience good consequences in our personal lives, marriages, families, finances, work, communities .


The Good Life is found in good relationships with our Creator and with one another and not in any religion. With the 4 R’s (Relationships, Respect, Rhythm, and Responsibility) we open the door to a bright new future.

Join and enjoy the TRUTH DEBATE and MOVEMENT of people from across all cultural, class, financial, political, and religious barriers who apply the truth into our personal lives, marriages, families, finances, work, communities, cities, countries and continents. IT IS THE TRUTH THAT SETS US FREE TO FLY AND ENJOY THE ABUNDANT LIFE promised by the SUPER STAR of history !