Like hangers and shelves which we use to bring order in our cupboards, we encourage you to use pictures and words to bring order in your soul (thoughts, heart, and will). This is beneficial for all ages and especially when we get older! It helps our memory. 

What we THINK, FEEL & WILL determines:
1. What we SPEAK & what we DO with our hands and feet!.
2. When and where we go and
3. Who we befriend, work with and network with.

Because the “Power” ….. of points to the Power of the Gospel, “” is still used on some H.O.P.E. tracts in conjunction with “”.

We are not ashamed of the POWER OF THE GOSPEL  i.e the Good H.O.P.E. NEWS of the Holy Bible, for it is the POWER of salvation for those who believe.(trust God)
The “Good News of Great Joy that a Saviour is born” ” will through the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Power of Multiplication (see below) change the world for the better. Nothing and nobody can or will stop it.

The Bible is the BEST SELLER BOOK OF HISTORY and still remains the best seller by far of any other book every year!

Have you read and are you still reading and enjoying the life-giving best seller of all time?
In the Bible, we read that when Jesus was tempted to distrust and disobey God the Father, He always replied by saying to Satan ‘it is written“.

In the same Bible, Jesus quoted ‘it is written”: we who trust God are POWERFUL e.g.
–  He (Jesus) who is in us is greater than him (Satan) who is in the world. 1 Joh 4
–  We “are more than conquerors Rom 8:37.
–  We will “overcome the evil one by the POWER of the BLOOD of the Lamb and the word of our TESTIMONY”  Rev 12:11
– “for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of POWER, of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND”    2 Tim !:7

The “2” ….. of reminds one of the Power of Partnerships when 2 horses/or people pull together!

There is POWER in PARTNERSHIPS and NETWORKING the locals and the visitors in our communities!

TWO (2) 
HORSES harnessed together pull much more than two times the weight they pull separately.
Two horses which can each pull 4 tons will in fact pull up to 22 tons if they are harnessed to pull together! We can, therefore, understand why the Lord Jesus also sent out His disciples in two’s. Find a God-given partner with whom you can pul together and help one another set other people free from guilt, debt, stress, and religion!

The “SetFree” ….. of

We are commissioned, anointed and empowered to take hands so that we can:
SET FREE the captives Isaiah 61:1-11
MAKE GOD KNOWN and His love, goodness, greatness and His DESIRE to BLESS everyone He brings over our paths John 17.
MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations (our family, friends and colleagues), teaching them to obey everything the Lord has taught us. Matthew 28.
WE do all the above not because we have to, but because want to

The “net” ….. of reminds one of the importance of networking.

FOR US TO BE USED BY GOD to restore H.O.P.E. (Heaven On Planet Earth)
– we do not need to speak to large audiences or have numerous television or radio broadcasts 
– we need to network and disciple people through the Power of Multiplication

Please keep the POWER OF MULTIPLICATION top of your mind when you speak to only one person who will speak to three persons.
It is great that we have people like Angus Buchan, Joyce Meyers and others who talk to thousands of people at a time.
But YOU CAN ALSO impact hundreds, thousands and millions of op people through the Power of Multiplication. The secret is to be the example and voice of the Lord and allow Holy Spirit to touch the spirit, mind, heart, and will of the person the Lord has brought over your path and who is standing in front of you. The person in front of you can be used by Father God to set alight a huge number of light-bearers who will disperse the darkness in this world.

STEP 1   You                                                                     =    1
STEP 2   speak to 3 people                                  3  +   1  =    4
STEP 3   who in turn each speak to 3 people       9  +  4  =   13
STEP 4   who in turn each speak to 3 people     27 +  13  =   40
STEP 5   who in turn each speak to 3 people     81 +  40  =  121
STEP 6   who in turn each speak to 3 people    243 + 121 =  364
STEP 7   who in turn each speak to 3 people    729 + 364 = 1093

STEP 21 who in turn each speak to 3 people ……….= 5,230,176,480, nearly the whole population of the world!

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Like Jesus FOCUS ON the 12 Disciples, the Lord has put on your heart. 

Our PURPOSE is to help one another to use the God-given POWER of our Decisions and our I’s & T’s = 
i = intellect, ideas, information, inspiration, innovation,

t = time, talents, treasures, testimonies and opportunities 
to NETWORK & EMPOWER our close friends, locals and the visitors in our communities, countries and continents so that everyone can also experience a touch of  “Heaven On Planet Earth” (H.O.P.E) “ it is in heaven”!

We encourage you to use your God-given opportunities to be part of His H.O.P.E. solution for the problems in our families, communities, and countries. God loves. Focus on God’s Love and Power to realize His H.O.P.E. Vision & Purpose for your life and for the lives of your neighbors. Hold onto the crown of glory which the Lord has destined for you! Pray and work together with the Holy Spirit across all cultures, classes and church denominations.

Your HEART, your WALK and your TALK with EVERY PERSON you meet WILL IMPACT the world through the power of multiplication. You do not need to speak to the masses. Your impact is far greater through the power of multiplication than through addition.
Keep on speaking to your family, friends, co-workers, and teammates ONE ON ONE and 
encourage them to enjoy a cup of coffee with you on a regular basis in order to hear where they are in their minds, heart, and will and to encourage them to STOP, THINK & DISCUSS the following topics:

A. The Super Star of History and The Greatest Freedom fighter of all time and His impact on Personal Happiness & Health, Marriage Harmony, Family Unity, Financial Freedom, Work Fulfilment, Community Politics and Economics

B. The importance of identifying, coaching, supporting and electing God-fearing moral servant
leaders for all sectors of your community.
i)   Speak to one person per day, let him/her catch your infectious happiness & hopea storm i)  Bless him/her with a H.O.P.E. BUSINESS CARD, TRACT or BOOKMARK
iii) Print out the pages of this website or sit next to them at the computer and read and discuss the contents of the web pages on or

In so doing you will BE PART OF THE SOLUTION in your community, city, country, and continent.
1. You will help to SOW H.O.P.E. Seeds and bring an end to the lack of knowledge & vision which is so prevalent in our families and communities
2. You will be God’s H.O.P.E. Ambassador to IGNITE a PEACEFUL & PROSPEROUS REVOLUTION and a BETTER LIFE FOR ALL in a very short space of time.
2. You will SEE a ‘benevolent & virulent mind, heart & will vaccination virus’ sweep through your family, friends, colleagues at work, community, city, country, and continent,
3. You will EXPERIENCE a ‘storm’ blowing up to cause waves of sharing, blessings and songs that will extinguish the flames of despair, poverty, disease, crime, corruption, abortion, child trafficking,. ………  read more!! & are both gateways and signposts of the GG World HOPE Foundation. IT 3521/2009 .
Gateways and signposts to:
1.  God’s H.O.P.E. Vision (Heaven On Planet Earth). and
2.  God’s H.O.P.E. 5 Point Plan of Action 

May GOD have mercy and BLESS our families, friends, colleagues and fellow countrymen with the ability to grasp and share His H.O.P.E. vision, knowledge, love and forgiveness


Dr Matthys Michael de Kock
Consultants & Coaches