THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is the One & Only Super Star & Greatest Freedom Fighter of History
History BC & AD = His Story!

As a husband, father, parent, grandparent and retired medical doctor, a businessman in hospitality and in farming it was Jesus Christ who positively impacted my whole life.

Jesus has proved to be not only my Best Friend, Confidant and Saviour but also the Super Star of History!
His Story is the beginning of the restoration of Heaven On Planet Earth (H.O.P.E.)

Father God so loved the world and all the inhabitants of planet earth that He sent is Son Jesus and not any specific religion or denomination! Father God desire and motivation was to replace all outward religious practices with a relationship through an internal rebirth by His Spirit!

Jesus Christ has impacted my whole life so much that I wish to unashamedly praise Him and and lift Him up.
I have personally faced and experienced many challenging trials, tribulations & temptations in every area of my life – Personal Happiness & Health, Marriage, Family, Finances, Work in the Communities and Continents where I have lived, worked and travelled.

Once we truly understand what Jesus did on the cross for you, me and every person on earth will cause us to unashamedly share the good news that they are all the TARGET OF GOD’S Love, Forgiveness and Blessings with them!

As we lift up Jesus and what He did  on the Cross for all mankind He will draw all men and women to Himself as He has promised in John 12:32

And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself. This He said, signifying by what death He would die. John 12:32-33

If we trust God that the body of Christ was broken and His blood was shed on the Cross and we open our hearts to Jesus when we hear His knock on the door of our hearts we receive our ‘passport’ to:
– Enter His kingdom on Planet Earth,
– Become part of the richest most powerful royal family in the universe
– Enter heaven when our time on earth is expired!

I desire to cheer and celebrate with you His role-model life and performance on earth, His victory on the Cross, His resurrection from the dead, His ascension to heaven and His never ending positive impact in our personal lives, marriages, families, finances, work places and communities (judiciary, politics, economics)

If you do not yet have a personal relationship with Him, may I have the privilege of introducing Him to you.

Life is all about a relationship with God, His Son and the Holy Spirit and with one another. It is not about any religion. In fact all the religions play a big part in the the problems which the world and all it’s habitants are experiencing and facing!

YOU WILL AGREE WITH ME THAT the majority of the people of all religions all over the world are unhappy. They are spiritually, physically and financially under stress.

Most are crying out ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’ and asking for a SUPER STAR LEADER whom they can trust and who has a team of God-fearing, moral and capable servant leaders to show the way to a better and more abundant life.  Trustworthy leaders who can take responsibility for the security, the media, education, the judiciary, the politics and the economy of our communities! Most people are all crying our for good leaders, irrespective of class, culture or religion, who have a proven record of character, capacity and comprehension of what needs to be put into place so that we can have happy and healthy communities and experience something of Heaven On Planet Earth!  Leaders who are accountable, incorruptible servants of the people. Leaders who will enable you, me and every person on earth the opportunity to enjoy Personal Happiness & Health, Marriage Harmony, Family Unity, Financial Freedom, Work Fulfilment & Community Freedom within a just financial and political system. A system that is functioning like clock-work in all our cities, countries and continents!

In John 12:32 Jesus says: And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”

I trust that as you allow me to lift up Jesus Christ in this post you will find that Jesus Himself will draw you to not only enjoy a personal relationship with Him, but to also be available to truly reach out and serve the people of all cultures, religions and nationalities. Every person on earth is the TARGET of His power to love, forgive, bless everyone.