We need to TREAT THE CAUSE of the problems facing the USA and many countries
I received an interesting letter from Dr Joseph about the cause of the problems facing the USA. Here is my response to his letter.
Dear Joseph,
Thank you for your Sunday Inspiration: Treasure in Heaven
I appreciate your weekly letter.
I wish to make the following input in this weeks letter:
I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement:
“Our society is flooded by seeker friendly churches. Yet there is not one instance of a seeker-friendly church in the Bible. For the sake of political correctness and growing our churches, we have watered down the truth of the Gospel.”
I however wish to disagree with the
following statement:
“The root of the problem in America is famine of the Word of God.”
My comment
I believe you may have used the wrong word (famine). We all sometimes use the wrong word to convey what we want to say,
“If you have not mistakenly used the wrong word then “let us agree to disagree without being disagreeable.”
When we see (and hear) about all the Bibles and Christian Books that are printed & about all the Christian Services and Broadcasts on TV, Radio and the Internet I do not believe anyone can say that there is a famine of the Word of God and that famine of the Word of God is the root of the problem in the USA..
1. hunger for the Word of God as physically born children hunger for physical food
and then seek their mothers and cry for food until they are properly fed with
wholesome food. Like-wise spiritually born again children of God will seek and cry out to be fed by the wholesome Word of God until they discover the Holy Spirit who will teach them all things. 1 John 2:26-27
and then seek their mothers and cry for food until they are properly fed with
wholesome food. Like-wise spiritually born again children of God will seek and cry out to be fed by the wholesome Word of God until they discover the Holy Spirit who will teach them all things. 1 John 2:26-27
2, desire to obey the Word of God and to follow the Lord Jesus and then do so! The Lord Jesus invites everyone to follow Him and then promises that He will make all who follow Him fishers of men and not mere ticklers of men’s ears!
If we are NOT “fishing for men (male & female)” and not “making disciples of all nations ” then we are NOT following Jesus!
The real cause of the problems facing the man in the street in the USA and in our countries is thus to my mind fourfold:
1 Yes, the ears of many Christians are being tickled by peddlers of the Word of God
for personal financial gain
for personal financial gain
2. Most Christians are “goats” who have been taught to make “sheep” noises and are
not truly born again
3. Some born-again followers of Jesus stay on the “milk” food instead of moving
on to the “meat” food of God’s Word
not truly born again
3. Some born-again followers of Jesus stay on the “milk” food instead of moving
on to the “meat” food of God’s Word
4. Some born-again followers of Jesus are not totally committed:
a. to eat the meat food of God’s Word and
b. to allow the Lord the Holy Spirit to help them grow in the understanding of
God’s Word
God’s Word
Therefore let us help one another identify the Lord’s “sheep” across all denominations and encourage one another:
1. not to assume that the person in the mirror and our family and friends are
born again. The most important questions we need to answer ourselves are:
born again. The most important questions we need to answer ourselves are:
a. Am I born again?
b. How do I know I am born again?
2. to network, interact and exchange our IT’s (Ideas, Information, Inspiration,
Innovations – Time, Talents, Treasures and Testimonies)
Innovations – Time, Talents, Treasures and Testimonies)
in a spirit of love i.e.”to agree to disagree without being disagreeable” until we
are all in ONE mind, love, vision, purpose so that
are all in ONE mind, love, vision, purpose so that
the Holy Spirit can again come down in so much power that the unsaved come
running to hear what is happening (as we read in Acts)
running to hear what is happening (as we read in Acts)
The Lord Jesus said and still says today to the people of the USA and the world:
1. You must be born again to see His Kingdom John 3:3
2. I will make you fishers of men Matt 4:19
1. You must be born again to see His Kingdom John 3:3
2. I will make you fishers of men Matt 4:19
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Pray + Stand for H.O.P.E for All
Heaven On Planet Earth
“as It is in heaven”