The HELL Team is scoring more goals than God’s HOPE Team

The Super Rich Capitalists and Communists together with their exorbitantly paid friends in the Media, Banks and Politics are:

1.  Pushing their fellow citizens and voters into Welfare States instead of pulling them up into Independent Freedom States

2. Denying their fellow citizens their God-given freedom, right and opportunity to take personal responsibility for God fearing:
    a. Governance of themselves and their marriages, families, finances, work and their communities
    b. Governance of their Community Media | Education | Justice | Politics | Finances | Police | Army
    c. Governance of their Wealth and Job Creation Projects in farming | fishing | mining | manufacturing | construction | hospitality & tourism
    d. Governance of Caring for the weak, elderly and sick in their communities.

We desperately need to Stop | Think | Repent | Plan | Lift God’s HOPE Vision | Execute God’s H.O.PE 5 Point Plan of Action

In the interest of all citizens and voters, rich and poor, in all communities, countries and continents
we desperately need to implement the following ‘treatments’:
 – ‘Dispense’ Just Weights (Gold, Silver and Copper) to measure sweat and skills 
 – ‘Transplant’  complicated ‘Smoke Screen’ Taxation Systems with an uncomplicated and transparent  Just and Fair’  Taxation System.
 – ’Treat’ the Unhappy and Unhealthy citizens with the H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action,
 – ‘Prescribe’ H.O.P.E Voter & Leadership Education and Qualification 

– ‘Monitor’ the H.O.P.E Privatisation of  State and Community Enterprises
– ‘Invite’ the Captives in Satan’s Team to be set free (Born Again) from Satan and his HELL Empire of
       poverty | unemployment | conflict | broken relationships | disease | unhappiness

IT IS TIME TO REPENT, BE BORN AGAIN, PRAY AND INVITE GOD to bless All Africans and World Citizens with: 

  • H.O.P.E Godly Governance in our personal lives, marriages, families, finances, workplaces, communities and countries 
  • H.O.P.E God-fearing Moral Servant Leaders in the Media | Judiciary | Police | Army | Banking | Politics | Economy |


  • SET THE CAPTIVES FREE from a lack of God’s H.O.P.E Vision and H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action
  • ’REBOOT’ Banking, Economy and Politics God’s BIBLICAL Way
  • RE-INSTATE Gold, Silver and Copper Currency to measure sweat, skills, costs and responsibilities
  • N.E.W.S Network | Empower Encourage | Winners Warriors who | Set free captives from Satan and Satan’s Team!
  • ENCOURAGE family, friends and fellow citizens to Repent | Be Born Again | Be H.O.P.E Discipled and Set Free!.

    God Bless Team
    Clinics | Courses | Consultants | Coaches 

How was the word EXORBITANT first used?

The first use of “exorbitant” in English was “wandering or deviating from the normal or ordinary course.” 

In the 15th century “exorbitant” came to refer to something which fell outside of the normal or intended scope of the law. Eventually, it developed an extended sense as a synonym of “excessive.”