UNLOCK and UNDERSTAND the CAUSES for unnecessary Poverty | Unemployment | Inflation | Conflicts.


UNLOCK OPPORTUNITIES to CELEBRATE Vision | Knowledge |  God-fearing Governance | Freedom | Justice | Joy | Peace.



Satan’s HELL Team is presently ‘scoring more goals’ than God’s HOPE Team

Unemployment in RSA was 35% before the pandemic crisis and since then has been rising sharply.

Unemployment, Crime, Corruption, Violence, Destruction of infrastructure continues to rise at an alarming rate.

Currencies World-Wide are in the Financial ’Intensive Care Units’, like many of the currency owners who are in Medical ‘Intensive Care Units” 

The present ’treatment’ offered by the World Bank, African Bank and the Reserve Banks is to ‘print’ or ‘digitalise’ more money. 

Printed or Digitalised Money has NO VALUE unless it is BACKED:
– by God’s real money Gold, Silver and Copper
– by a Citizen who has: 
  a. Surrendered a Property Title Deed as guarantee until full and final payment has been made over a specified period of time 
  b. Signed a commitment to pay off the purchase price with interest over a specified period of time. 

The borrower of the paper or digitalised money has thus given value to the printed or digitalised money by committing to: 
  a. Repay the Reserve Bank for printed or digitalising the money
  b. Pay the agreed interest rate to Commercial Bank which is the agent the Reserve Bank 

USA, UK and EU Germany are reportedly ‘printing/digitalising’ 10 – 15% extra unbacked money to be used as paper money or as digitalised money.

There are many heart-breaking examples in history, even today and will be in future of how the easy printed/digitalised unbacked money opens the door to commit ‘legalised’ theft of the buying power of the ordinary citizen’s savings, pension funds and insurance cover through inflation.

INFLATION = IS A KEY which unlocks the door for people to ’legally’ steal the BUYING POWER of the salaries, savings and pensions of all citizens.
Please note that the poorer uninformed fellow citizens are the most vulnerable!    

It is not wise, nor is it in the interest of the poorer citizens or the economy, for the Bankers and the Politicians to ‘Treat’ the unemployment and crime ‘symptoms’ in our communities by:

1. Printing Money which will fuel inflation and only enslave the citizens even further

2. Giving Grants and financial assistance to:
   a. People who are not working and not helping to lighten, pull and push the “H.O.P.E Wealth Wagon” 

   b. Government Departments, Companies and Non Profit Organisations
       which are not contributing to the production of food and the creation of real wealth and self-sustaining jobs. 

IT IS TIME TO REPENT, BE BORN AGAIN, PRAY AND INVITE GOD to bless All Africans and World Citizens with: 

  • H.O.P.E Godly Governance in our personal lives, marriages, families, finances, workplaces, communities and countries 
  • H.O.P.E God-fearing Moral Servant Leaders in the Media | Judiciary | Police | Army | Banking | Politics | Economy |


  • SET THE CAPTIVES FREE from a lack of God’s H.O.P.E Vision and H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action
  • ’REBOOT’ Banking, Economy and Politics God’s BIBLICAL Way
  • RE-INSTATE Gold, Silver and Copper Currency to measure sweat, skills, costs and responsibilities
  • N.E.W.S Network | Empower Encourage | Winners Warriors who | Set free captives from Satan and Satan’s Team!
  • ENCOURAGE family, friends and fellow citizens to Repent | Be Born Again | Be H.O.P.E Discipled and Set Free!

God Bless

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