We happened to be in the UK on the 100th Anniversary of Remembrance Day (Poppy Day)

In this post you will discover:
1. how the present Financial System came about and at what cost
2. what negative impact the present Financial System has had on the people who seek true liberty
3. why one can call the present financial system a world-wide financial system of “legalised theft and slavery”
4. what you can do to bring about justice, joy and peace and thus enable people world wide to be happy and be free from poverty, debt, guilt and stress.

We happened to be in the UK on the 100th Anniversary of Remembrance Day (Poppy Day) which was celebrated by sporting a red poppy and either a minute of silence or a church service at 11.00 am on the 11th Day of 11th Month of 2013. During our visit I was also introduced to the “Hidden Secrets of Money” video clip.

The video clip confirmed much of what I wrote in “Power 2000 – A Life of Stress Free Success” and what I have been teaching through the Power 2000 Seminars since 1989.  Remembrance (Poppy) Day and the video clip triggered in me a desire to set aside a special time of reflection and prayer. I thus wish to share my reflections and the video clip with you.
I am also excited about what the Lord is doing and what He wishes to do IN and THROUGH you and each one who believes that we CAN DO ALL things through NOT ANY RELIGION but through a RELATIONSHIP with the Super Star of History and the Hub of your Life Wheel and WorldWho strengthens us.

100 years ago prior to 1913                             100 years later in 2013
1, There were many small local banks               1. There are mainly few large national banks
2. Businesses were small & family owned          2.  Businesses are large & corporately owned
3. People could redeem their gold                      3.  People can no longer redeem their gold
4. No income tax in the USA                               4.  Income tax with a sliding scale is in place
5. No Treasury issuing bonds                              5.  A Treasury issuing bonds backed by taxes
6. No Federal Reserve printing paper                6. A Federal Reserve printing paper money

Every year on Remembrance Day (Poppy Day) we remember:

    • the millions of people, especially men, husbands, fathers, and owners of properties, family businesses and gold who were sacrificed in the wars since 1913,

    • the millions of survivors whose lives, marriages, families, homes, property, family businesses and their personal wealth were adversely affected by the military call ups and the time they spent on the battle fields.

    • the men on both sides of the trenches, equally loved by God, who laid down their weapons to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day,  but who in obedience to orders resumed the war the next day because they were under orders to shoot one another!

Please try and picture or visualise what impact the forceful removal of men from their spouses, families, farms and businesses had on their marriages, their children and their businesses and their gold holdings.

We also however need to know and remember on future Poppy Days what momentous events took place in 1913.

1913 saw the following:

1. The Great War = World War 1

2. The introduction of a permanent Federal Income Tax (Treasury) in USA

3. The birth of the Federal Reserve Bank USA

Were all the above events in one year a co-incidence? Some people may have reason to think not.

Please use this opportunity to view the Video Clip “Hidden Secrets of Money: It is a must view! See for yourself :
1. See what took place in 1913, 100 years ago and
2. Understand how the present financial system of “legalised theft” and “financial slavery” functions.
Please click on the following link for the 4th episode of “Hidden Secrets of Money” .

As you can see from the video clip some people do have reason to believe that in 1913 while the attention of the people on both sides of the Atlantic and the rest of the world were on the horrors of war some politicians and bankers used the opportunity to lay the foundation of the New World Order or Government with it’s present financial system of “Legalised Theft” and “financial slavery”


They believe 1913 was the year in which the door was opened for some bankers and politicians:

    1. to reverse the religious, financial and political freedoms which more and more people were beginning to enjoy as a result of :
      a. the Reformation which spread from Germany and Switzerland across Europe and the world.
      b. the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution based on the Geneva and Swiss Constitutions.
      In these constitutions were entrenched the God-given rights, responsibilities, privileges and boundaries for a truly free society in which the power of the people, by the people and for the people were upheld to enable free men and women to live, work, save and invest within a just society and economy and in the love, the reverence and the ways of the Lord .2.

    1. to get their hands on the hard earned real money (gold and silver), savings and investments of the people of the world

    1. to rob the unsuspecting and un-informed people worldwide of their opportunity to be financially free. In so doing they would also  jeopardise their personal happiness, marriage harmony, family unity, financial freedom, work fulfilment and their positive impact in their communities.

    1. to introduce unjust scales and weights into the economy


THE BIG CHALLENGE WE ALL FACE = HOW will we the people:

1. be set free from big government, big banks, big corporations and big religious organisations?

2. be able to see justice, joy and peace in our communities, countries and continents?

3. be happy, be free of guilt, debt, poverty, disease, violence and stress?


The people of God from across all present day barriers (cultures, classes, politics, finances, religions, nationalities, denominations ) who have a relationship with Father God and who are followers of Jesus (and not merely followers of a religion or a denomination) face the following challenges:
1. How DO we bring H.O.P.E. where there is presently little hope for most people?
2. How do we get back on track to realise God’s Dream for Heaven On Planet Earth?
3. How do we bring into remembrance the Way, the Life of Abundance and the Truth of the Lord?
4. How do we get back on track and allow the Lord to revive the Biblical Reformation Process in our families and communities, countries and continents?
5. How can we allow the Lord the Holy Spirit to work IN and THROUGH us to enable people worldwide:

    • to regain their God-given right to be free to live, work and play in the love, fear (respect) and blessings of the Lord?

    • to reclaim the stolen real money (gold and silver) that belonged to their families

    • to become and stay financially free so that they can enjoy more personal happiness, marriage harmony, family unity, financial freedom, work fulfilment and thus be able to make a positive impact in their communities, countries and continents?

    • to bring about the justice, joy and peace of God’s kingdom in our families and communities?

    • to remember that God so loved our enemies that He gave His Son to also set them free from guilt, fear of death, debt and stress?

    • to respect, love and forgive those who oppose our efforts?

    • to not fight the darkness but to rather switch on the light?

    • to let the Light of the World shine so brightly through us that the darkness covering the planet will be dispersed?
A. Concentrate on relationships and not religion.
Start by lifting up IN PRAYER the issues we are discussing
Help people to look away from religion and focus on RELATIONSHIPS and especially a relationship with Jesus, who is the Light of the world and the Saviour of the World!

B. ENGAGE with people and Exchange ideas and information.
 Merely ask: “What do you think and believe? “Do you agree or disagree with what some people believe?” ” What are you going to do something?”
You may wish to use the Power 2 SetFree topics for discussion.


C. We encourage you to embrace and share the picture story depicted in the I.T. Exchange Logo
= of a good and great Father God with outstretched arms Who is inviting everyone:

    • to leave our life in a ‘pigsty’  (pollution, poverty, crime, conflict etc) and

    • to return to Him and His plans to give us a hope, a future and a life of abundance

    • to exchange our I.T.’s = our I’s: ideas, information, inspiration. & our T’s: time, talents, treasures & testimonies in a spirit of  “we agree to disagree, without being disagreeable.”

    • to exchange our sweat, skills and our I.T.’s for real money and a fair share of the wealth we help to create

Do you see:

    • the outstretched arms and the feet of a loving Father running to meet you/us as respond to His invitation and you/we return back home to Him?.

    • in the logo …the i’s?, …the t’s?, …the cross? … the anchor …the J for Jesus?

    • in the O = … the first letter of the Our Father’s prayer in which we are taught to pray for H.? … the planet? … the gold coin?

D. What PLAN OF ACTION do you have to realise your personal dream and the HOPE DREAM ?


E. We also encourage you to embrace and share the picture story depicted in the GG World HOPE Compass
We encourage you to lift the Super Star of history and to use the N.E.W.S. plan of action of the H.O.P.E COMPASS to realise the dreams for your DREAM TEAMS at home, at work and on the playing fields.

Lift the  Super Star of History
Use the N.E.W.S. plan of action to spread the Good N.E.W.S. to the North, East, West and South ends
of the earth as you encourage YOUR people:

    • N = to Network with people from across all barriers to come up with solutions

    • E = to Empower & Encourage people, especially the youth, to Exchange their  I.T.’s,

    • W = to become Winners in life but who also help

    • S  = to Set people free who have no hope.

F. We encourage you to remember everyday, and not only on Remembrance or Poppy Day:

    1. that God has a H.O.P.E Dream for the World and for you .. “ on earth as it is in heaven” 

    1. that your are the TARGET of God’s love, forgiveness, blessings and His life because He loves you and the world so much that He gave His Son, His Holy Spirit and His Word to work IN and THROUGH you to realise His HOPE dream

    1. that you have the power of your decision to be empowered, to be set free and to be blessed.
      Visit www.Power2SetFree.net and forward it to your family and friends

    1. that bad things happen to good people who do nothing!

    1. that the small faith of a mustard seed + action of trust and obedience = great outcomes! 

    1. that we are encouraged by God to pray and ask, believing we will receive if we trust and obey Him and ask correctly