We can all see and hear that THE CREATION is presently GROANING and that MAN is generally unhappy, unhealthy (in spirit, soul, body) and in disunity with God, the Creation and with one another.

WHY?  Because the Relationship with God was broken in the Garden of Eden.
HOW? Because man made a decision NOT to trust God and NOT to live within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules (‘do not eat the fruit on the tree”). 

MAN and the Creation will continue groaning until we face the Facts and make the right Decisions . F-D-C (Facts – Decisions – Consequences)

THE CREATION DECLARES the Glory of God i.e. that the Creator is a Good, Gracious and Giving God. 

PLANET EARTH was created by Father God with unlimited wealth and job creating opportunities. There is no excuse for poverty & unemployment.!

PLANET EARTH was created and positioned to be a beautiful safe, clean garden and home in which people were given a free will opportunity to:

A. Enjoy a personal TRUST RELATIONSHIP with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit and within 

B. Be Healthy & Happy – Married Couples who are blessed with Family Unity, Financial Freedom, Work Fulfilment and Community Unity!

 i.e. People living, working and playing in peace and in harmony with Creator God, nature and with one another! 

H.O.P.E Goals will be scored in our families and communities when we:
1. Trust the Trinity & God’s Word,
2. Are Born Again and
3. Live, work, educate, vote, govern, invest and play within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules to score H.O.P.E Goals,

Every person across all religious, cultural, financial and political  barriers on planet earth is the TARGET OF GOD’S Love, Forgiveness and Abundant Life, 

YOU ARE VERY WELCOME to participtate in: 
Improving the
 World-HOPE.com Website, Chat Groups, Courses and Conferences
2. The H.O.P.E On The Job Training Placement Programmes (Unpaid until value is being added) and in so doing: 
    a. Set the captives free from poverty, unemployment and hopelessness
    b. Combatting loitering and theft 

God bless!

The H.O.P.E Team