God’s H.O.P.E Goals = Heaven On Planet Earth! … “here on earth AS IT IS in heaven”

1. Broadcast & Promote Godly Governance, God’s H.O.P.E Vision, Goals & God’s H.O.P.E 5 Point Plan of Action.
2. Implement Biblical Life Skills, Voter Education & Qualification, Candidate ‘Triple C’ Qualification and ‘Bottom Up’ Direct Representation in Governance & Security from ward and community level (e.g. The Swiss Success Story)
3. Implement ‘Just Money and Just Scales’ to measure payments for sweat, skills, costs and to balance trade imports and exports .
4. Implement God’s H.O.P.E 5 Point Game Plan of Action by indentifying and appointing moral servant ‘Triple C’ Born Again Leaders.
5. Encourage Good “N.E.W.S” family members, friends & co-workers to live work and play within God’s Biblical Boundaries and Rules so that all citizens have the opportunitiy to score ‘more abundant life’ H.O.P.E Goals for their families, friends, co-workers and communities. John 10:10

1. Shine Creator God’s H.O.P.E Light in the World = Word of God and Jesus, who is the living Word!
2. Lift Up JESUS CHRIST who declared “I AM THE WAY, THE LIFE and THE TRUTH”
 Read and meditate on the Holy Bible Scriptures
4. Live, work and play within God’s 10 Commandments with the help of the Power of Holy Spiirit 
5. Pray the LORD’S PRAYER with expectation = “Our Father in Heaven, Honoured be Your Name and Your Will be done here on earth AS IT IS in heaven…. 


1. Expose HOW Satan and Satan’s team players are killing, stealing and destroying our happiness & health, marriages, families, finances, job opportunities, freedom, peace and prosperity in our communities!
2. Stand up with God’s Holy Spirit Power to PROTECT and PROMOTE our personal happiness & health, marriages, families, finances, jobs, freedom, peace, prosperity and the lives of the unborn by lifitng God’s Light!!

“May God BLESS YOU and your marriage, family, finances, work/business, community & country (police, army, judiciary, politics, economy) … here on earth AS IT IS in heaven!

  The H.O.P.E Team
Coaches Consultants
Courses  Conferences