Over the centuries All CITIZENS on PLANET EARTH have been under the impression that mankind has either been a VICTUM or a VICTOR in the various Religious Wars of the past. The history books have painted a picture in our minds that mankind has been involved and affected by many Religious Wars.

The Truth is that world citizens have in some way or other suffered the consequences of a longstanding ‘RELATIONAL or RELATIONSHIP WAR’! A “RELATIONAL WAR’ between TWO FAMILIES and their ARMIES which has been waging in the heavenlies and on planet earth over the centuries! 

The WAR may appear to be a RELIGIOUS WAR!. But the WAR is in fact a RELATIONAL or RELATIONSHIP WAR!   
The Relational War is taking place on various fronts and territories (Media, Judiciary, Police, Army, Politics, Monetary, Financial, Religion and Education!

It is an ongoing simmering Relational War which has had ‘volcanic’ outbursts of various smaller of larger Wars causing: 

  1. Huge numbers of Casualties and Deaths 
  2. Huge destruction of Properties and Projects which in the past had served as:
    a. Housing Properties for families, education, sport, praise & worship!
    b. Properties (farms, factories, mines, sea & dams) where Job and Wealth Creation unlocked employment
    c. Hospitality Properties for holidays and health recreation. 
    d. Hospital Properties for healing the injured and the sick.
    e. Shopping Properties (corner shops and shopping malls). 

People and families across all national, political, religious and financial boundaries and barriers have been and are still being affected, in one way or another, by the ongoing RELATIONAL WAR!  

THE ANSWER IS = Knowledge & Vision!!

“My people are suffering because of a lack of knowledge”, says Almighty God. Hosea 4;6

“Without a vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18.


  1. God’s Army of truly repented Born Again and committed friends and followers of Jesus, The Super Star of History!
        God’s Army consists of Friends & Followers of Jesus across many denominations! 
        God’s Army can look forward to experiencing life more abundantly John 10:10 on earth AS IT IS IN Heaven.
        A Stress Free Life on earth despite Trials & Tribulatiions and ultimately also enter Heaven.

       God’s Army is focused on promoting and protecting Godly Governance and God’s 3 P’s (Properties, People & Projects).
       God’s Army is focused on the Properteis, People and the Projects pf God which promote security, voter education,
       justice, joy, peace, creation of jobs & wealth in order to achieve a ‘Better Life for All’ 

2. Satan’s Army of ‘religious’ people across all religions and denominations
    – who have not yet repented and
    – who are not yet Born Again Friends & Followers of Jesus

Satan’s Army is ultimately destined to go to Hell if they remain unrepentant and are not born again in their spirit. 

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to youunless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

FDC = 

Facts – Decisions – Consequences 

It is a FACT that all world citizens are physically born into the religion and culture of their parents.
There is no DECISION made by the child. 
As a result most people identify themselves with one of the many different religions & cultures e.g. Christian, Moslem, Jew, Hindu, Ancestral etc etc … in which they were born!

It is a FACT that all men and women of all religions and belief are born sinners and do not love, forgive and bless one another as we should.

The sinful and selfish nature of mankind is the cause of all the strained relationships and conflicts in our marriages, families, workplaces, communities, countries and continents .
Most people become aware that they fall far short of the standards of their various religions! 


It is only later in life that people come to hear about the great love of Father God for all peoples of all religions.
A love so great that it moved Father God to send Jesus His Son to die and shed His blood on the Cross for our sins!

God sent His Son!
God did not send
a religion or a rabbi, pastor, priest, imam or any other religious leader!

Because Satan has blinded the eyes of the unbelievers (i.e. those who do not trust and obey God) they cannot yet see / understand: 

1. God’s H.O.P.E. kingdom and God’s ‘born again’ family

2. That God’s ‘BORN AGAIN FAMILY MEMBERS are privileged to not only experience, but also desire to share: 

A. God’s love, forgiveness, peace, blessings and protection

B. God’s love for all unbelievers and religious people in all cultures and religions who are not born again 

C. God’s desire to see that all religious people and nations of all religions, including atheism, will eventually: 

a.Hear the knock of Jesus, His Son, on the door of their hearts, 

b. Voluntarily trust and obey Father God & Jesus and will: 

i) Repent of their distrust in God, Jesus and God’s Word, their rebellion (sin) against God’s Word.

ii) Invite Jesus Christ, the Super Star of History, into their hearts to be their Saviour & Lord. 


FDC – The consequence of their voluntarily decision to REPENT & RECEIVE Jesus as their Saviour & King = They become ‘born again’ friends & followers of Jesus:

a. Who WANT to follow Him,

b. Who, like Him. WANT to trust & obey Father God  so that they can experience the ‘more abundant life’ Jesus promised all nations,  cultures and religions 

John 10:10(NKJV)
The thief (Satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
 I (Jesus) have come that they (You) may have life, and that they (You) may have it more abundantly

YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO TAKE HANDS WITH BORN AGAIN Followers & Friends of Jesus across all denominations.

May God bless you, your family and friends as you stand, proclaim and play your part to implement God’s H.O.P.E. Vision and H.O.P.E. 5 Point Plan in your community, city and country!

Hope Folder 5point 640

God Bless

Consultant & Coach