I recommend all born again Friends & Followers of Jesus (across all cultural, class, religious, political and financial barriers) to PRAY the following H.O.P.E. Prayer:

“Our Father in heaven, please let Thy will be done here in Africa & here on Earth AS IT IS in Heaven = Heaven On Planet Earth = H.O.P.E.

Father and Lord Jesus, please forgive us for not trusting and obeying you on how to enjoy the More Abundant Life which You have planned for ALL of us

Jer 29:11 John 10:10

OUR HOPE for Africa, All Africans and All World Citizens (Black/White/Brown) is in You, Your Son Jesus Christ and in the Power of Your Holy Spirit and Your Holy Spirit inspired Holy Bible

THANK YOU Father God for Your Holy Spirit inspired Word which gives us Your Boundaries, Rules & Times within which we should: 

1. LIVE in peace with all our African and World neighbours, 

2. WORK to produce the food and create the, wealth & jobs we need 

3. PLAY and CELEBRATE the job creation successes we have achieved in the week.

4. REST & GIVE YOU PRAISE on the Sabbath Day with our families in our homes (‘tents’).

THANK YOU  Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit for Your blessings of health, sunshine, rain and times of rest which enables us to effectively produce healthy food and build beautiful safe and clean pavements, roads, homes, schools, work places, shopping hubs, clinics, hospitals and centres for sport, recreation and worship! 

This we pray in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord! The Name above every other name!



1. Love your neighbour as yourself and
2. Take hands with your neighbours across all political, financial, cultural and religious barriers
in order that Godly Job & Wealth Creation and Godly Governance will become a reality:
… for Al
…  and in All our Personal Lives, Marriages, Families, Finances, Work Places, Communities, Cities & Countries of Africa?

Now therefore, 
A. Fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and 
B. Put away the gods which your fathers served ….. in Africa  
C. Serve the Lord! (i.e Vote for the Lord)
And if it seems evil to you to serve (vote for) the Lord, choose (make a decision) for yourselves this day whom you will serve,
…. But as for me and my house, we will serve (vote for) the Lord.”  Josua 24:14-15


Dr Matthys M de Kock
Consulting & Coaching

5point 600